A webinar hosted by the Israeli Trade Mission and the Israel Export Institute presented Israeli agricultural technology currently available and...
Dialogue in video games rarely deserves an Oscar. But some are particularly bad. Image source: Getty Images/master1305" When video game...
Even smartphones running OS older than Android 11 can take advantage of the automatic removal of permissions granted for applications...
Berlin - It could all have been so exciting in ZDFneo's new series "Trigonometry," which the public broadcaster is passionately...
published On 09/17/2021 10:11 PM Update On 09/17/2021 11:26 PM Video length: 5 minutes France 2 Article by A. Delcourt,...
Montevideo, September 17 (EFE). Left-back Joaquín Péquez, of Palmeiras, and midfielders Giorgian de Arrascaeta, of Flamengo, and David Terrance, of...
Several new titles have been announced as part of the digital THQ Nordic Showcase. Source: THQ Nordic THQ Nordics' first...
Tim Nottorff from Oct. Ph.D. © (Private) PR agent Tim Nottorf talks about working with influencers and gives advice on...
Acquisition follows merger from Cineti With DMR in April and entering the private equity firm in May 2019. “Bridge Growth...
Posts in this article Apple applies for new patents for the iPhone iPhone can be used as a VR console...