Three years before the start of the Olympic Games in Paris (France), ten Brazilian athletes competed this weekend in the...
(Photo credits: Unsplash - Nicozza) ( - Title Ubisoft blamed a strong fall in SBF 120 on Thursday at the...
Tobias loves "Star Wars 8" - and many others. Cinema is always a good idea (any time of the year)....
Martin Fitterley, President of the EPFL, and Frederic HermannUniversities are keen not to attach the technological solutions they produce, but...
Written by Laurent P. Photos by Laurent P. Posted Oct 14, 2021 at 11:28am The madness of the competition has...
Emphasizes that such a large asteroid team has never been filmed so sharply before European Southern Laboratory (Eso) Based on...
Plus The Consumer Protection Association evaluated Google's rankings of German citizen offices. Augsburg came second. How important are such classifications....
The larger version, for example, can disinfect about 80% of the air in a 60-cubic-meter room within 34 minutes. With...
Survie Logo Association Friends of the Earth-France, Monitor of Multinational Corporations, and Survie today publish a new and unprecedented survey:...
Once pseudo-applications are installed, for some as real trading and investment software, dedicated to cryptocurrencies, but not forex or traditional...