A company in Palatinate wants to promote lithium in a climate-neutral manner. But scientists say what works in the lab has nothing to do with reality.
Here in Ensheim, south of the Palatinate, two churches, three bakeries, and several vineyards, the future is supposed to begin, and the look suits him: Horst Kreuter drives a white Tesla Model S to the suburban geothermal plant site. His car isn’t just a car, it’s a message: At this inconspicuous facility next to the A65, lithium will soon be mined on a large scale, electric cars made – and Horst Kreuter’s dreams come true.
Kreuter, the white shirt, strong handshake, wants to win a lot of white gold with his company Vulcan at several locations in the Upper Rhine Graben, as well as Insheim, for example, in Haßloch, that the annual lithium requirement for electric car production in Germany can be covered. This is also with its process. It must be effective. Very effective. also CO2-neutral. Hence also saving resources. Make a lot of money and save the environment at the same time – Lithium’s dream is big. giant. The only question: will it become a reality?
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