a little “Bayonetta” And “NIR: Automation“: Action-adventure from a third-person perspective”Star blade“It is presented in detail in the game situation.
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The first “State of Play” from Sony PlayStation was an action and adventure game.Star blade” Reserved: With a detailed game trailer that not only covered the game's story, but also gave many completely new game impressions. “Stellar Blade” presents itself as a combination of “Bayonetta” And “NieR: Automata” It should at least impress many JRPG fans who love fast-paced action games. Of course, you can get your own impressions of the game by watching the detailed gameplay review of the game “Stellar Blade”. Here you can see it:
“Stellar Blade” will be released exclusively on PlayStation 5 on April 26, 2024
The action-adventure film “Stellar Blade” was originally scheduled to be released in 2023, but has been postponed several times. The game's final release date has been revealed in “State of Play”: Stellar Blade will be available exclusively on PlayStation 5 on April 26, 2024 He appears.
The game was announced as Project Eve in 2019 and was originally supposed to be released for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Two years later, Sony announced the game again as a PS5 exclusive in State of Play and revealed not only the title, but a possible release date in 2023. The studio responsible is Shift Up, based in State of Play. They confirmed that with “Stellar Blade” they will launch their ultimate dream project.
Also interesting:
In Stellar Blade, you control the main character “Eve”, who has to avoid an invasion of aliens called NA:tives who are plaguing Earth. The focus is on diverse and action-packed battles as well as a role-playing experience in which you can upgrade the main character with new skills.
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