Berlin. The ruthless robots in The Matrix, the rebellious cyber brain Hal 9000 in “A Space Odyssey” or the semi-human...
Luc Julia, réputé pour avoir co-inventé la technologie de l'assistant vocal Siri du groupe Apple, a été nommé par le...
The University of Paris-Sclay and the company Elogens, which specializes in the design and assembly of the electrolyzer, signed a...
Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon processor powers several 2022 smartphone models that will soon be hitting stores, including Sony, Motorola, and OnePlus....
Soitec's FD-SOI technology in the Google Pixel 6. It's called FD-SOI for Fully Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator, the fully depleted silicon-on-insulator chip...
06.12.2021 - 11:44 Werner von Siemens Foundation Ring Berlin (OTS)Live broadcast of the award of Werner von Siemens Ring #39...
If you are from the south or southeast of Spain, you probably noticed the cold only a few weeks ago,...
The Windows command line is perhaps one of the biggest unknowns in Microsoft's operating system. Well, we have 15 things...
Developers of multi-chemical, multi-protocol battery chargers, CC-LED and CV-adjustable ballasts, USB-PD-3.0+ programmable power supplies (PPS), quality control converters and similar...
resolutionAn apple He was eagerly waiting. It is finally coming. Apple chose, for the first time, to use its power...