Status: 12/17/2022 8:57 AM The huge radio telescope called the Square Kilometer Array should help learn more about the universe...
We use cookies or similar information (such as your IP address and web beacons) in addition to the functionality of...
Status: 12/16/2022 4:12 PM Water covers about two-thirds of the Earth. Almost everything is salt water - but there is...
12/16/2022 - 05:30 TransferGate Consortium TOKYO, April 10 /PRNewswire/- Touch and get a 2-hour movie in 2 seconds -In November...
Zytronic will present a series of multi-touch demonstrations at ISE 2023. Stand visitors will enjoy various multi-touch screen applications: from...
Artist Johanna Bruckner receives the Vienna Media Art Prize 2022. In her work, she deals with aspects of a post-human...
A whole new way to experience art"Behind this is the basic idea of"randomly organizedHe is also behind “Fabrik” in Chemnitz:...
Status: 12/14/2022 06:31 AM Laughter is one of the most important elements of our communication. It differentiates between man and...
Status: 12/13/2022 6:25 PM The Geminids' annual meteor shower is approaching — on Wednesday afternoon, the sky's spectacle will peak...
Status: 12/13/2022 2:45 PM A group of researchers, farmers and climate advocates is calling for the expansion of photovoltaic use....