Recent waves of innovation include Chat-GPT and Metaverse. How do you recognize innovations of this magnitude in a timely manner, and above all, how do you determine their value to the supplier?
This is digital browsing. It means evaluating new technologies, trends and topics. You always have to ask yourself a question about the appropriate use cases. Considering the Metaverse, which does not yet exist in its full form and quality, we already have individual use cases, for example in production: in the form of virtual training rooms or for machine maintenance. When it comes to generative AI, it’s already clear that this is going to bring a big change. We cannot yet determine exactly where and how the greatest influence applies to us. Therefore, we try to provide access to minimalist technologies as much as possible, i.e. make them accessible to as many areas of our company as possible. This allows us to see how our colleagues are using technology for themselves and develop new use cases. With SchaefflerGPT, for example, we create an offer to motivate people to participate. Such individual applications can then lead to increased productivity.
New developments and technologies sometimes require a lot of patience if they are to be used within a company. Do you also face doubt?
We at the company agree that digitalization is not just a means to an end. For this reason, this topic is at the top of the company’s agenda. Digitization also means change. It is especially important to take all employees with you. Our commitment extends beyond coder training courses and starts with fairly low offers. Our training courses in the field of digitalization are organized, among others, in the educational landscape “Fit4Digital”.
When looking at the people who work at Schaeffler, digital workplace is the key word. What’s behind it?
aAs a global company with different functions and departments, there is also a wide range of user profiles and digital workplace requirements. That’s why we have a wide range of digital solutions for the workplace, from collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams to virtual or augmented reality solutions. Regarding the technologies themselves, I would like to offer a simplified formulation: IT does a particularly good job when the user is completely unaware that it is IT. Our mission is to ensure that IT adapts to the user. This requires balancing standardization and providing data to approximately 84,000 employees. Applications should be usable for every individual so that he can do the job in the best possible way. The described SchaefflerGPT is an example of this broad application.
To what extent do you notice the skilled labor shortage currently being reported everywhere?
Like many other companies, Schaeffler is affected by a shortage of skilled workers. Qualified specialists and managers are especially competitive in the areas of information technology and digitalization. We deal with these challenges by developing our employees on the one hand and, on the other hand, providing an attractive workplace for specialists and managers. The shortage of skilled workers is a phenomenon that also affects many other companies. As a result, this means: we have to be so attractive that skilled workers will want to come to us. Only we have this in our hands.
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