Comedian and actress Leslie Jordan, best known for her roles in "Will and Grace" and "American Horror Story," has died...
Zoom / Separating the different wavelengths of light allows us to track the movement of materials toward and away from...
Nicole is back - after the involuntary break, the gorgeous singer is celebrating a great comeback with the song "I'm...
Photo: NintendoIn the latest developments regarding voice actress Helena Taylor's pay dispute with PlatinumGames, the former Bayonetta The star has...
The aurora borealis unleashed amazing light shows in the night sky, but they also illuminate another cause of ozone depletion.Although...
In the ongoing work to realize full potential Quantitative StatisticsScientists can try looking at our brains to see what's possible:...
An artistic impression of two white dwarf stars merging and creating a Type Ia supernova. Credit: ESO/L. CalsadaAnalysis of supernova...
Zorey Craig - Who worked with likes? Tyler Perryand once stunned on America's Got Talent - He's Died. His family...
Peter Charles Schjeldahl was born on March 20, 1942, in Fargo, ND, and grew up in small towns in North...
Volumetric reconstruction of a dental prosthesis in view of its lingual aspect (total pattern of Qianodus Dupis). The specimen is...