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Insomnia games?  How do we fight insomnia!

Insomnia games? How do we fight insomnia!

Letter from 04/11/2023

Today, gaming is one of the most popular leisure activities for many people and has long since escaped its niche existence. However, the increasingly popular hobby also has negative effects on sleep. Playing can lead to sleep disorders, which prevents healthy sleep and can therefore be harmful to health. But how do these disorders arise and what can be done about them?

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How to prevent insomnia
There are many tips to combat insomnia. First, make sure you stop playing at least an hour before bed. This gives the body time to calm down and shut down. Adjusting your monitor to a lower brightness setting or using special filters that reduce blue light can also help. An important point for the prevention of insomnia is the correct bedroom design. These include a pleasant room temperature, adequate blackouts, and a comfortable mattress and proper pillow.

Neck support pillow is innovative as it is currently with Penne is served made of a special foam, could be a good choice here. This type of pillow ensures that the head and neck are optimally supported, resulting in a comfortable position and can be found cheaply in the brochure. So nothing stands in the way of restful sleep and the possibility of sleep disturbances is greatly reduced.

The causes of insomnia
Gaming insomnia can be caused by a number of factors. For one thing, games can keep you up late at night, disrupting your natural sleep cycle. Second, games can also overstimulate the brain, causing the body to struggle to rest. Also this Screen blue light It may interfere with sleep by inhibiting the release of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin.

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But sleep disturbances don’t always have to be caused by gaming. Stress is one of the most common triggers. Stress can put the body and mind into a state of hyperactivity, thus affecting sleep. Mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder can also lead to sleep disorders.

External factors such as noise, uncomfortable temperatures, or an unfamiliar environment can also disturb sleep. An unhealthy sleep environment, such as an uncomfortable bed or overly bright lighting, can also contribute to disrupted sleep. Last but not least, the effect of caffeine, alcohol, or other stimulants on sleep should not be underestimated.

Basically, it is always important to identify the cause of sleep disorders so that you can take targeted action against it.

Health effects of sleep deprivation
The impact of gaming-related insomnia should not be underestimated. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to poor physical and mental health in the long term. Lack of sleep can weaken the immune system, and this is what happens Disease risk high. This can also result in difficulty concentrating and decreased performance.

Mental health can also be affected by sleep disorders, as lack of sleep has been linked to an increased risk of depression and anxiety disorders.

There are many scientific studies looking at the effects of sleep deprivation on health. One Stady One from 2012, published in the Journal of Sleep Research, for example, showed that lack of sleep impairs the immune system and increases the risk of infectious diseases. Researchers have found that people who sleep less than six hours a night are more likely to get sick than those who sleep seven hours or more.

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Therefore, it is important to pay attention to healthy sleep hygiene and confront sleep disorders at an early stage.

Conclusion – don’t give insomnia a chance
In short, it can be said that gaming-related sleep disorders are not a rare phenomenon. Various measures can be taken to counter this. An appropriate bedroom environment and targeted avoidance of overstimulation can help here. A neck support pillow can also help promote restful sleep. This allows popular games like Sons of the Forest to continue to be enjoyed as a relaxing pastime without negatively affecting sleep. (PRM)

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