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Creating a 3D model of the Cat’s Eye Nebula, research results by American students |  Sorae Portal to space

Creating a 3D model of the Cat’s Eye Nebula, research results by American students | Sorae Portal to space

[▲ مقارنة بين النموذج ثلاثي الأبعاد لسديم عين القط الذي أنشأه السيد كليرمونت (على اليسار) وصورة سديم عين القط (على اليمين) التي التقطها تلسكوب هابل الفضائي (من: ريان كليرمونت (يسار) ، ناسا ، وكالة الفضاء الأوروبية ، HEIC ، وفريق Hubble Heritage (STScI / AURA) (يمين))]

cat’s eye nebulaNGC 6543It is the direction of the constellation Draco3000More than a light year awayplanetary nebulaIt is known as a nebula with a very complex structure. planetary nebulared starIn the final stage of evolution, a star that has become a star emits gas from its outer layer to the surroundings, and the gas isUltraviolet radiation is emitted from the central starIt is a luminous orb and appears to be shining.

The Cat’s Eye Nebula isHubble Space TelescopeHowever, it was photographed in high resolution, revealing intricate structures such as knots, spherical shells, and arcuate filaments. However, astrophysicists have been baffled by the mysterious structure of this nebula, which cannot be explained by the accepted theory of planetary nebula formation. In more recent studies, the mechanism of formation of such complex planetary nebulae is“jet advance”It was submitted, but there was no detailed model.

This time, by a cat’s eye nebula computer3Dimensional modelIt was created for the first time and surrounds the outer nebulaA pair of symmetrical ringsIt became apparent. The symmetry of this ring indicates that it was formed by a prior jet, a nebula jetConvincing evidence for the existence of a central binary starIt is said that it will be

The research was led by Ryan Claremont, a recent high school graduate in the United States.Ryan Claremont), and search results2022general9the moon15thfrom historyMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyJournal.In addition, Mr. ClaremontHigh school student at research timeNow he plans to attend Stanford University.

In his research, Mr. Claremont found a method particularly suitable for planetary nebulae.3Dimensional astrophysics modeling softwareappearanceWolfgang Steffen from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, developerWolfgang Stephenand Nico Corning of the University of CalgaryNico KingRequest for cooperation from Dr.

Three researchers obtained at the San Pedro Martire National Observatory in MexicoSpectral dataWhenPictures from the Hubble Space Telescopenew from3We have created a dimensional model and revealed that a dense ring of gas surrounds the outer crust of the Cat’s Eye Nebula.A jet, which is a high-density gas flowIt is suggested that it was formed by

The aircraft is designed so that the axis oscillates when the top is rotated.an introductionIts rotation creates a ring around the Cat’s Eye Nebulapart ofSo the plane360It turns out that the plane did not rotate to a full degree and that the appearance of the plane was a short-lived phenomenon. Also, precipitating jets in planetary nebulaeOnly binary stars can driveThis is evidence of a binary star in the center of the Cat’s Eye Nebula.

Mr. Claremont said the study would make it the world’s largest science competition for middle and high school students.International science and technology fairISEFInternational science and engineering fairIn the Department of Physics and Astronomy1Rank won.

1220_xray_opt_page (Credit: Left: X-ray (NASA/UIUC/Y.Chu et al.), Right: X-ray/Optical Composite (X-ray: NASA/UIUC/Y.Chu et al.), Optical: NASA /HST))

[▲ صورة الأشعة السينية لسديم عين القط بواسطة مرصد شاندرا للأشعة السينية (يسار) والصورة المركبة عن طريق إضافة صورة الضوء المرئي بواسطة تلسكوب هابل الفضائي (يمين) (Credit: Left: X-ray (NASA) / UIUC / Y.Chu وآخرون) ، إلى اليمين: الأشعة السينية / المركب البصري (الأشعة السينية: NASA / UIUC / Y.Chu et al. ، بصري: NASA / HST))]

* This article is based on content published in the Royal Astronomical Society on September 19, 2022.


Sentence / Tetsuro Yoshida

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