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A terrestrial exoplanet could be a “pale yellow dot”. Three planetary evolution scenarios |  Sorae Portal site to space

A terrestrial exoplanet could be a “pale yellow dot”. Three planetary evolution scenarios | Sorae Portal site to space


earth likeextrasolar planetIf you were looking for an astronomer onceCarl Saganexpressedpale blue dot (pale blue dot: light blue dot)”Dry and cool what you are looking forpale yellow dot (pale yellow dot: pale yellow dot)May you have more success if you are looking for

20229Held in Granada, Spain, in MayEuroplanet Science Conference 2022A Swiss-German study published in 2018 found that oceans and land masses helped life thrive on Earth.proportional balanceIt is probably extremely rare. By the way, the ratio of the ocean area to the land on the current Earth is73It is said that.

The research team believes that the evolution and circulation of continents and watersextrasolar planet earthHow is it formed?3one scenarioSimilar as a result, the planet80Most with probabilityEarthcovered by19MainlyOceanIt is said that it turned out to be a world covered with a planet with an earth-like distribution of oceans and the Earth is1%less thanwas not more than

According to numerical models, the average surface temperature is5℃It has been argued that the distribution of oceans and land masses influences the planet’s climate, albeit to a lesser extent.

Earth10%A world where the ocean is superior to itThey are tropical and subtropical regions that came after the cold period when the dinosaurs became extinct due to an asteroid collision.humid and warmThis means that there is a high probability that the climate is similar to that of the Earth at that time.

on the other side,Ocean30A world dominated by Earth by less than 10%teeth,cooler and drierIt has a harsh climate. The overall result is that the Earth will look the same as it did during the last ice age, with glaciers and ice sheets. If you photograph a planet like this from afar, it might look like a “pale yellow dot”.

On Earth, the growth of the continents due to volcanic activity and the erosion of the continents due to weather factors is carried out in a roughly balanced manner. Life that performs photosynthesis thrives on land where it can receive solar energy directly, and the ocean is hugetankPrecipitation increases as a result of extreme weather eventsdryingIt is forbidden.

“a landtectonic platesWith this driving force, heat within the Earth promotes geological activities such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and orogens, which lead to the growth of continents. Earth erosion is part of the water exchange cycle between the atmosphere and the Earth’s interior. As a result of the analysis of the interaction of these cycles with the numerical model, the present Earth isextraordinary planetTilman Spawn, one of the study’s co-authors, said:Tilman Spoon) Says. ‘Every planet styledaccommodation possibleIt is consideredAnimals and plants are completely differentCan”



بناءً على طلب كارل ساجان ، “Pale Blue Dot”1990حول60من على بعد مليار كيلومترفوييجر1رقمإنه يشير إلى صورة للأرض تم التقاطهاحجم الأرض1تم نقل هذه الصورة ، التي تقل عن بكسل واحد ، حتى يومنا هذا كتعبير رمزي عن التواضع البشري والرحمة تجاه الأرض.

الإتصال:الأرض مثل “نقطة” تطفو في الفضاء. “Pale Blue Dot” تم تصويره من على بعد 6 مليارات كيلومتر بواسطة فوييجر


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