October 24, 2024


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With influencers, everything is for sale

With influencers, everything is for sale

In the US, social media stars are multiplying strategies to make the most money. Technique NFT He brings them new gadgets, while also allowing fans to make their own butter.

There are tens of millions of people around the world who consider themselves digital innovators. [autrement appelés influenceurs : des individus qui monétisent leur présence et leur activité sur les réseaux sociaux], And this sector “The fastest growing type of small business”, According to a report released in 2020 by venture capitalist SignalFire. As competition in the market grows – and platforms and their algorithms remain unreliable – these innovators are developing new, unspecified revenue streams.

The invention of the “human bag”

One of them comes in the form of NewNew, a Los Angeles startup that offers what it calls Human wallet. This app features polls that aim to monitor some of the creator’s daily decisions and users pay to vote. For example, a designer orders which jacket to wear on that day, who you see it and where to go. Users purchase voting rights to participate in the survey; If they have enough voice, they can watch their favorite influencer live their desires, like in an adventure game where you are the hero. “Creators may struggle, and their fans always want more.” Advertise [le dessinateur] Jin Lee, 25, who founded the popular creative economy community on Discord [une application qui permet de converser en groupe]. By investing in every aspect of their lives, they can derive value from their daily interactions. “

New is “Similar to a stock exchange”, Courtney Smith, Founder and CEO, explains. “You can buy shares in it, mainly votes, so that you can partially control a person’s life.” And to add: “We are building an economy of attention, where you can buy moments from someone else’s life, and we go a step further by allowing people to control those moments.”

Take control of other people’s lives

The platform has started [début mars] Beta testing with a handpicked group, and many TikTok and YouTube stars are already starting to make money. “Have you ever wanted to control my life?” Liv Cameron, 15, asked 3.3 million followers on TikTok, in a recently posted video. “Your time has come.” He kept asking his fans what he should be playing with his friends:

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Taylor Lorenz

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With 1,600 journalists, 35 overseas offices, 130 Pulitzer Prizes, and nearly 5 million subscribers in total, New York times It is by far the country’s leading daily newspaper, which we can read about “All news for print”


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