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The FV-Dosto vibration train is annoying – it wouldn’t be necessary

The FV-Dosto vibration train is annoying – it wouldn’t be necessary


Complaints about vibration and vibration of the FV-Dosto do not stop – the technology will not be needed for years

Thanks to Wako technology, Alstom’s new double-decker trains should run even faster. But when the technology is really needed is not clear. Even SBB do not know yet. Meanwhile, travelers are shocked with each flight – they’re not happy about it.

Not the most popular train for many: the FV-Dosto from Bombardier.


FV-Dosto and the Swiss Riders didn’t get off to a good start. Double-decker trains from manufacturer Alstom (formerly Bombardier), of which SBB ordered 62 copies for intercity and regional traffic for 1.9 billion francs, initially attracted attention due to years of delays in delivery – and since then they have been used regularly, and they have been acquired. The nickname “Schüttelzug”. Many passengers feel uncomfortable on trains because they can clearly see every switch and every bump, especially on the upper deck of trains.

Employees’ “unexpected and jerky bumps” led to the desire to limit their work on trains. Customer companions request that after two hours aboard FV-Dosto they can switch to another train model, The newspaper “Sunday” recently reported. This issue should be discussed in the SBB Personnel Committee. The newspaper wrote: “The upper deck swings like a ship in a rough sea.”

Will the technology be needed later?

One reason for this inconvenience is the technology called Wako (“roll compensation”) built into the train. According to the manufacturer, this prevents carriages from bending outward when going around curves. This enables turns up to 15 percent faster than conventional double-decker installations such as the popular IC 2000 double-decker trains previously used for long-distance transportation. Only: No one knows exactly when Wako technology will be required.

It is planned that the travel time between Berne and Lausanne will be reduced from 66 to 61 minutes thanks to the expansion of infrastructure and Wako technology. So far, SBB has reported that this is expected to be the case by the end of 2026. Since then, as soon as possible, Wako technology will be a mandatory requirement to be able to comply with schedules in long-distance traffic.

SBB does not know the answer

But that’s no longer a certainty, research shows. In the Federal Bureau of Transportation’s latest Network Use Concept (NNP) – this is a document that train tracks are secured – travel times for affected intercity trains on this route in 2027 are still given 66 minutes. Wako technology is still not required for these travel times.

So is there another delay of at least a year – or even more? When will Wako technology bring advantages in the form of shorter travel times for the first time? Even SBB itself has an answer to this.

IC1 should go to St. Margrethen

Deutsche Bahn cannot respond to a specific request from CH Media. “For now, overall planning is still in full swing,” wrote SBB spokesperson Martin Meyer when asked if the shorter travel time between Berne and Lausanne should apply from the end of 2026. The Board of Directors is in the process of clarifying open questions regarding construction site planning and maintenance and expansion financing.

In addition, future Wako technology will also be used on the Intercity 1 line between Winterthur and St. Margrethen, according to Meyer. Intercity 1 is currently operated from Geneva to St. Gallen; Wako technology is not required for current travel times. It was also not clear when the train to St Margaretten would be extended. It may take a few more years.

FV-Dosto has become more reliable

So, do Swiss travelers get annoyed by a train rattling and rattling when it’s not necessary? No, at least the manufacturer himself claims, the FV-Dosto swings no more than other double-decker trains in Switzerland, writes the Alstom website. With modifications made, such as software updates that improve driving comfort, “driving comfort similar to that achieved with the IC 2000” is achieved.

Only fellow clientele may not really believe it. The data and statements of SBB and the manufacturer “do not correspond to the perception of employees,” the Sunday newspaper reported at the recent delegate meeting of the Train Personnel Association (ZPV).

FV-Dosto has become more reliable

After all, Alstom managed to significantly increase in terms of reliability. In July of this year, according to SBB figures, there was an operational or technical breakdown with FV-Dosto every 12,500 km – the highest value called MDBI (“Mean Distance Between Accidents”) of the measured train and much better compared to January ( January) 2019, when this value was 1,385 kilometers. The value is also higher than that of a conventional IC 2000: these values ​​u200bu200bcause a failure approximately every 9000 km.

FV-Dosto reliability

Kilometers Between Events (MDBI) (Thousands)

September 19October 19November 19December 19January 20February 20March 20April 20May 20June 20July 20August 20September 20October 20November 20December 20January 21February 21March 21April 21May 21June 21July 21Month051015th

Of the total 62 FV-Dosto trains ordered by SBB, 48 trains have already been delivered to SBB at the beginning of August. FV-Dosto offers a number of advantages over previous two-story buildings – about 10 percent more seats, sockets in all seats, fewer pressure waves in tunnels and a modern information system.

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