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Test // Guitar

Test // Guitar

Written by Gudrun Hafke in .

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The ancient Empire of Kitara on the Great Lakes of Africa was destroyed by crises and disputes. The major cities of KITARAS are now in ruins, giving an idea of ​​the splendor of the former empire. But in the new era, many courageous rulers set out to rebuild Kitara and reunify the mighty empire. Go your way and become the new ruler of Kitara!

Information about the game

IELLO KITARA made it available for us to review.
This does not affect our rating!

Rebuilding Kitara’s empire

Two to four rulers of independent kingdoms embarked on reunification of Kitara. Each kingdom is trying to fend off its rivals. Each ruler receives a player board of their own color and corresponding numbers and a kingdom card with the number 0.

Guitar 100

The game board is placed in the middle of the table and each player, starting with the starting player, places three of their fighting characters in an unoccupied starting space.

The 39 tokens of the hero are placed in the beanbag.

It is played in either the blue or the red of the Kingdom cards. The blue deck is especially suitable for the first game as a presenter, after which you can play with the red deck.

Kingdom cards are placed on the game board. 6 The Kingdom Cards are stacked face up, and the other cards are arranged as a draw pile.

The starter player starts and performs the following five stages one by one in turn:

  1. Take the card
  2. Recruitment
  3. Is moving
  4. Values
  5. Management (only when playing with the red deck)


The five stages in detail:

  1. Take the card: The cards can be taken from the Six Kingdom Cards and used for your own use. However, the cards that can be taken always depend on the number of card symbols the player has printed on the first row of his kingdom cards. For example, two cards appear on the Kingdom Card that is dealt initially. This allows you to take one of the two cards farthest to the left of the draw pile. In the course of the game, players acquire additional kingdom cards that also contain card symbols. The more card symbols a player has in his entire deck of cards, the more cards he must choose from in the Card Taker action. If the player collects 6 card symbols, then he can choose the Kingdom Card from all 6 cards displayed.
    The purchased card is placed to the right of the current Kingdom card (s). The Kingdom Cards offer is renewed to 6.
  2. Recruitment: The second row of Kingdom Cards shows the number of new warriors that can be recruited. It also shows the type of warriors that can be recruited: warriors, rulers, or heroes. Unlike taking cards, which denote all the cards shown, when you recruit fighting characters from the New Kingdom card only, not from the previous cards.
  3. Moves: On the third row of Kingdom Cards are arrows that show warriors’ movement options. If there are multiple Kingdom Cards with Move Shares in your private deck, you can use all of the available moves in the deck at once. However, not all animations should be used.
    3.1. Attacks and retreats: These also happen in the locomotion stage. If, in the action stage, a player and his fighter collide with an area on which another player is standing and actually fights him, a fight ensues. The player who put more and more valuable pieces on the court wins. If a player uses a hero character in attack, he may draw a hero mark from the bag after victory. The player places the hero tokens upside down in front of him.
    The defeated player withdraws with all his warriors to the nearest space they occupy. When all movements have been made, the recording stage occurs.
  4. Registration stage: In the fourth row of Kingdom Cards are the Circle symbols. There are victory points for each circle symbol in the deck. There are two victory points for every ruling animal sitting in ruins. Each player looks at the hero markers they drew in a round and keeps only the highest-valued mark. Other codes are returned to the bag.
  5. Management stage (only in the red deck of cards): Each card in the set represents the population to be fed. If not fed, the card leaves the deck. The population can be fed in two ways: on the red deck cards there is a fifth row, on which the symbol of grain appears on some of the cards. These cards are self-contained and should not be disposed of. The remaining cards can be fed across the savannah fields on the game board. Every Savannah space occupied has at least one of its warriors at the end of the tour feeding one card from the deck.
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If at the end of the round the player does not feed all his cards through the grain or savanna tokens, then many cards must be removed from the deck so that only the number of kingdom cards remain that the player can feed.

KITARA’s new ruler is defined when the Age 5 card is revealed during the “Take Cards” phase. This leads to the end of the game. However, the game will continue until all players make the same number of moves. Then each player has one final move.

In the final scoring, all marks of the champion are revealed and victory points are scored on the track. There are also 2 victory points for each kingdom card still on display in your special deck. The player with the most winning points wins the game and becomes the new ruler of KITARA!

Game material

The material is very good quality. There are two different game boards, one for 3-4 players, the other for two players. Plans are individually adapted to the courses and points to be achieved. Hero tokens are made of sturdy cardboard. The warrior figures are in four colors made of wood and have a lovely filigree design. However, it is not clear exactly what the numbers are supposed to represent. Ruling animals and heroes are very creative. The ruling animal does not look like a majestic animal, but rather looks a lot like a seal balancing a ball on its nose.


On the other hand, the operator panels are only made of thin cardboard. Somewhat thicker materials would have been nicer here, but it does not affect the course of the game. Warrior cards clearly show the five possible actions with their symbols and are placed against the other cards in such a way that the individual actions can be clearly distinguished.

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The game instructions are short 7 pages and explain the game structure and path very well and with lots of pictures. The individual procedures are described in detail. Immediate entry to the game is possible.

Tags: combat strategy, 40 minutes, zone control, 2-4 players, deck building game