October 24, 2024


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Technology Park is open to visitors › WE

Technology Park is open to visitors › WE


Bloomberg – How is energy generated from wind energy? What does it look like inside a wind gondola? What happens when the sun shines on solar cells? How can an electric car be charged using renewable energy sources? These questions are answered clearly for young and old at the newly opened All Electric Society park. The Total Electricity Society represents a scientific vision for the future of carbon dioxide2– A neutral and sustainably developing world. So, everything in the park revolves around renewable energy, and how to generate, store and use it efficiently.

After a year of construction, this park, built along the path to Bloomberg’s Phoenix Contact, is now open. The new entrance gate to the company headquarters at the beginning of Flachsmarkstrasse demonstrates how an all-electric society can become a reality based on the flow of energy from extraction, conversion, storage and distribution to optimal energy use. The park is a replica of the real world in miniature. A distinctive feature is a 12 meter diameter solar tree on the rotor, which is always aligned at right angles to the sun. In the garden, visitors can look forward to approximately 7,600 square meters of large, transparent glass cubes whose steps appear along the flow of energy. Renewable energy production includes solar and wind energy. The efficient use of this energy can be concretely experienced through examples of electric mobility and energy-optimized buildings. Interactive stations invite you to participate and discover. Extensive information is available for an initial overview All Garden Electricity Association | Phoenix connection available. This means you can plan your visit in advance. The area is freely accessible and can be visited at any time. The cubes are open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. There is no cost associated with the visit

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