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Research indicates that collisions between wild animals and cars increase on full moon nights

Research indicates that collisions between wild animals and cars increase on full moon nights

Earth's moon changes its apparent brightness dramatically as it orbits around Earth. This brightness is known to affect the behavior of wild animals, but the evidence for this is mixed.

Kentaro Io, a former student at Texas A&M University, and Dominic Lord, a professor, based on statistical information collected in Texas, USA, for approximately 10 years.It was found that collisions between wild animals and cars on full moon nights increase by 45.80% compared to new moon nights.Rural areas in particular showed a significant increase compared to urban areas.

This study does not focus on animal behavior, and the researchers are not animal behavior experts, so the exact cause and background of the increase in collisions has not been clarified. However, the study suggests that drivers should be aware of their surroundings on bright nights with a full moon, even if visibility is good.

Research indicates that collisions between wild animals and cars increase on full moon nights

The brightness of the moon affects animal behavior

Earth's moon goes through waxing and waning cycles that change its apparent brightness and shape every month. Especially on nights when the full moon reaches -12.6, it will be bright enough to make you aware of your surroundings.

Changes in moon brightness are known to affect animal behavior. In particular, it is known that for some corals, annelids and fishes, the timing of reproductive activities such as spawning, mating and hormone secretion is regulated by the brightness of the moon. However, little is known about the relationship between the behavior of other animals and moon brightness. It is not uncommon for studies that claim to have an effect and studies that refute it to appear one after another.

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It turns out that collisions between wild animals and cars increase on full moon nights.

A research team led by Iio and Lord of Texas A&M University investigated whether collisions between wild animals and cars change depending on the phases of the moon. Although there have been a few studies using this approach, results have been mixed, and there have been problems such as short survey periods and day-of-the-week bias.

This time, the researchers conducted a survey based on statistical information from the state of Texas in the United States, where the university is located. The subjects were car collisions that occurred on 112 new moon and full moon days over a 10-year period from January 2011 to January 2020. Both men own several counties in Texas.(※1)The statistical information was analyzed by distinguishing between collisions with wild animals and collisions with other animals. The reason we only include full moon and new moon days is because there are times when the non-full moon does not rise in the night sky, so we cannot ignore the effect of time of day.

*1…Based on regional economic rankings determined by the Texas Comptroller.

Result,It was found that collisions between wild animals and cars on full moon nights increased by 45.80% compared to new moon nights.This is a big difference, considering that there is no significant difference in collisions with non-wild animals between a full moon and a new moon. Especially thisThe increasing trend is more pronounced in rural areas than in urban areas.with notable trends in the High Plains, South Texas, Central Texas, and the Upper East, with increases ranging from 57.8% to 125%.

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Rural areas don't have a lot of light pollution, and the phases of the moon can change the brightness of the night dramatically. On the other hand, urban areas have many artificial lights, so it is believed that there are few changes in brightness during the night. The authors believe that the increase in crashes in rural areas may be evidence of a link between moon brightness and the risk of accidents.

Interpretation of research results is limited

However, both authors acknowledge that the study has limitations.For example, rural areas have more wild animals than urban areas, and the number of collisions increases accordingly, so there may appear to be a statistically significant relationship.

Even if, as this study suggests, the brightness of the full moon changes wildlife behavior, it is not clear why. Compared to a new moon, the surroundings are brighter and visibility is better during a full moon, so wild animals may behave more boldly. However, both researchers are not experts in animal behavior, and the study did not differentiate between animal species, so it is unclear whether this assumption is correct.

However, for now, this study can be seen as providing information that motorists should take into consideration. Full moon nights are brighter than usual, but still dark enough. You should drive carefully and not be fooled by the brightness.

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  • Kentaro Io and Dominic Lord. “Does the frequency of collisions between wildlife and vehicles increase on full moon nights? Cross-case analysis.” (Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment)
  • Justin Ajan. “Vehicle collisions with wildlife increase during a full moon.” (Texas A&M University)
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Text / Riri Ayaka Editing / sorae editorial department
#full moon

Last updated date: 2024-10-26

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