Calling 162 on your phone will not give the weather forecast as of November 1st. Due to the users’ lack of interest and response to technological developments, MétéoSuisse decided to discontinue its service on such a short number.
The law would have required him in any case to put an end to telephone weather forecasts by the end of 2022 at the latest, MeteoSwiss wrote in his book Articles. To keep the numbers short, they must be demanded by a large audience, at least several million a year.
Attention to free fall
However, for at least one chandelier, this floor was not reached. Last year, 350,000 calls were barely counted on 162. Interest is in free fall, knowing that the number is still responding to more than 7 million calls at the turn of the millennium. For comparison, the MétéoSuisse website recorded 56 million visits and its app 710 million in 2020.
With pictures, the number of calls decreased to 162 per year. [MétéoSuisse]
The numbers speak for themselves. If we compare it to the relatively high operating costs of the phone service, it is fair to put an end to the latter from the end of this month, as determined by MeteoSwiss.
For more than 30 years, it was enough to call 162 to listen to the weather forecast. Before they contributed to its demise, mobile phones, which began to spread, made this problem one of the first ways to display the latest weather information anywhere and anytime. Everyone can easily know the weather and the expected dangers.
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