A new theory that the universe is expanding because it swallows and absorbs tiny "infantile parallel universes" has been announced,...
In the past, you could use a fairly high-performance video editor called Movie Maker on Windows, but it was discontinued...
An "interstellar object" came from outside the solar systemPhoto of 'Oumuamua. 'Oumuamua is envisaged to have an elongated shape/Credit:Wikipedia Commons_OumuamuaIt...
"Mate DP6" is a Bluetooth headset with transmitting and receiving function. You can talk to someone at a distance of...
"Satellite image" today. We present to you the distinctive images provided by the images in the past, the attractive images...
A joint research group composed of Professor Hideji Fujii from the Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Institute...
A stunning 1.3 gigapixel (1.3 billion pixel) image of the Sallis supernova remnant, the remains of a massive star that...
It grows commonly on the coasts of open tropical oceansCoral reefsIt has decreased in recent years due to the effects...
19.5J(19.5J)射で、お手入れ時間もよりスムーズに、よりストレスの少ないセラ 「IPL & LED「「ムダ毛ケアモード」「美肌ケLED displayくすみなどの肌悩みにアプローチしながら、よりクリアな透明肌ケアを実現します。 ※1:自社製品比 ※2:2024年3月 自社調べ IPL & LED光美容器に搭載された、新技術 LED:最も効果的と言われる495-530nmの波長を採用 STELLA BEAUTEは、最も効果的と言わ495-530nm透明肌へ導きます。 ・正式名称:STELLA BEAUTE IPL & LED光美容器 ・予約受付開始:2024年3月14日(木)...
It's been announced that Windows 12 will be released in June 2024, but Ken Kamikura from Laptop Guide All About...