February 21, 2025


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Is it possible to delete LINE messages?  What is the difference between deleting and canceling transmission?  |  Apple Geek LABO

Is it possible to delete LINE messages? What is the difference between deleting and canceling transmission? | Apple Geek LABO

What is the difference between deleting and unsending LINE messages? We will also explain what the chat screen and notifications will look like, so be sure to check out the difference between deleting a message and canceling sending, and make the most of both functions.

You can delete LINE messages

If you send the wrong message on LINE and you can delete it, let’s check if you can delete the wrong message on LINE.

Accidentally sent messages can be deleted from the chat screen

The point of being able to delete the wrong message sent by LINE is that it is possible to delete the message that was sent by mistake from the speaking screen.

The difference between deleting a LINE message and unsending it

We will introduce the points of difference between deleting and unsending LINE messages, so be sure to check out the points of difference between deleting and unsending LINE messages, and be careful not to mistake the deletion and unsend.

“Delete” deletes the message on your chat screen

The first difference between deleting a LINE message and canceling sending is that ‘Delete’ deletes the message on the chat screen. “Delete” deletes the message that appears on the speaking screen, so be careful.

“Unsend” deletes the message on the other party’s chat screen

The second difference between deleting a LINE message and unsend is that “Unsend” deletes the message on the other party’s chat screen. Please note that “unsend” will delete the message on the other party’s chat screen.

Indicates a note when LINE messages are deleted or unsent

We will provide the points to note when deleting or unsending LINE messages, so please check the points to note when deleting or unsending LINE messages and try to use the information before actually doing so.

1. Once deleted, you cannot cancel the submission.

The first point to note when deleting or unsending LINE messages is that once you delete them, you cannot unsend them. Be careful not to make a mistake, as delete and unsend cannot be used at the same time.

2. The other party will be notified of the cancellation of the transmission

The second point to note when deleting or canceling a LINE message is that the other party will know that you canceled the message. If you cancel the submission, the other party will know about it, so please be careful not to tell them.

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3, The other party will be notified when the transmission is cancelled.

The third point to note when deleting or canceling a LINE message is that the other party will be notified of the cancellation. If you cancel sending, the other party will be notified, so check the message first before sending.

4, Messages can only be canceled within 24 hours

The fourth point to note when deleting or canceling a LINE message is that you can only cancel the message within 24 hours, so if you want to delete or cancel it, do so before one day has passed.

What to do if you accidentally delete a LINE message and unsend it

We’ll tell you what to do when you accidentally delete and unsend a LINE message.

Let’s check what to do when you accidentally delete or unsend a LINE message, and use it when you want to read the deleted message again.

1. Log in to LINE using a computer or tablet

If you accidentally delete and unsend a LINE message, the first method is to log into LINE using a computer or tablet.

If you try to sign in to LINE using a computer or tablet, it’s possible that messages you deleted by mistake will remain. Please try to sign in to LINE using a computer or tablet. By doing that, you can read it again, so let’s give it a try.

2, For the Android version of LINE, use the “Avoid App Read”

The second way to deal with it when you accidentally delete and unsend a LINE message is to use the Avoid Reading App for the Android version of LINE. In the case of the Android version of LINE, what does it mean to use a “read avoidance app”?

For the Android version of LINE, we will give an overview of the usage of the Read Avoidance App, so please try to use the Read Avoidance App for the Android version of LINE.

You can read messages using “Read Avoid Application”

In the case of the Android version of LINE, what does it mean to use a “read avoidance app”? In the case of Android version of LINE, is it possible to deal with the error of deleting and unsending a LINE message using Read Avoid App?

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We will introduce a ‘Avoid Reading App’ that can be used when you accidentally delete and unsend a LINE message.

Read messages with Read Pro-Avoidance

What ‘Avoid Reading App’ can be used when a LINE message has been deleted and unsent by mistake? There are two types of “read-avoid apps”.

The first recommended app for Reading Avoidance Apps is Read Avoidance Support. With Read Avoidance Pro, you can use it when you mistake deletion of LINE messages and send cancellation. Use this when you accidentally delete and cancel a LINE message.

Don’t worry if you delete or unsend a message by mistake

We will give an overview of the Read Avoidance Pro that can be used when you accidentally delete and unsend a LINE message.

Read Avoidance Pro is an app that literally avoids reading, so if you make a mistake in deleting and undoing a LINE message, you can use it. Please try to use “Avoid Read Pro” when actually connecting on LINE.

In addition to LINE, it can be used with other SNS applications

It is a “read avoidance supporter” that can be used when you mistake to delete LINE messages and send cancellation, but in addition to the read avoidance function, it has the advantage that it can be used outside of LINE.

In addition to LINE, you can use it on 5 SNS including Twitter, so let’s use a Read Avoidance Pro that can be used when you mistake to delete LINE messages and send cancellation. However, “reading annulment supporters” also has drawbacks.

Disadvantage: Pictures can’t be seen in Pro-Avoidance Reading

What are the disadvantages of “Avoid Read Pro” that can be used when a LINE message has been accidentally deleted and unsent? In fact, a drawback is that the “avoidant reading” cannot see the picture.

If you can’t see the photo, for example, you gave the wrong comment on a particular photo.

“Peping App” is also a useful app, so check it out

I will present another ‘Avoid Reading App’ that can be used when you mistake to delete LINE messages and send cancellation.

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This is the “Peping App”. We will explain how to use “Peping App” which can be used when you delete or undo a LINE message by mistake. Please review the Peeping App overview of the applications that can be used.

“Nozokimi app” allows you to re-read deleted conversations

“Nozokimi App”, an app that can be used when you accidentally delete and unsend a LINE message, allows you to re-read messages that have been deleted by mistake.

Since the data for deleted messages is stored in the app, people who want to re-read and accidentally re-send messages they deleted may delete and unsend LINE messages. Let’s use the Peeping App which can be used when

You can also see photos etc. in “Nozokimi App”

Nozokimi, an app that can be used when you accidentally delete and unsend a LINE message, allows you to view photos together.

“Nozokimi”, an application that can be used when a LINE message is accidentally deleted and unsent, unlike “Read Avoidance Supporter”, allows you to view images at the same time, so that you can use the chat screen just like the LINE screen. You can see it, so let’s use it when interacting with this avoid reading app.

Peeping App cannot be used on iPhone

The “Peping App”, an app that can be used when you accidentally delete and cancel a LINE message, has a flaw.

The downside is that it’s only available on Android, and that it supports things like Twitter, but not other social messaging apps. You cannot use this app on iPhone, so be careful when you want to use it.


I explained what to do when you accidentally delete or cancel a LINE message, and what happens to the notification on the speaking screen in this case.

Notifications on the speaking screen will display differently, so check what to do if you accidentally delete and unsend a LINE message. Practice the method. Let’s give it a try because we can handle it by doing this.