March 31, 2025


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esk technology pomh istit vzduch v Miln

esk technology pomh istit vzduch v Miln


President Peter Pavel managed the eskmi partnership with his partners at Miln.

Hlavn msto Lombardie, Milano, je pkladem zavdn innovative technology in this case ke Smart City. This is where the current President of the Republic, Petra Pavla, is located, KDE vrmci esko – an Italian company of vyzdvihl spoluprci s 2G NanoTech, which is an ambassador of environmental technology FNNANO®. 2G NanoTech navc byla ocenna prestinm asopisem YouBuild vrmci YouBuild Awards 2023.

FN NANO technology® Smart energy saving and environmental impact. If you use this button, you can use it to activate it. Dje se tak prostednictvm oetech povrch, svtla a pride okolnho vzduchu v outside and inside.

Bez nadszky lze ct, e pouit tto technology v celosvtovm mtku me zsadn ovlivnit climate of the planet. Dky’s nanotechnology innovation helps reduce energy on the planet. When using the fotokatalzy brnilo to, vynikajc Laboratorn vsledky nebylo snadn penst do komernch vrobk a zachovat pi tom jejich vysokou innost. esk technology FN NANO® se to povedlo a vrelnm prosted vykazuje stejn vsledky, jako byly nameny vlaboratoch.

Background Information

FN-NANO s.r.o

FN-NANO s.r.o logo

FN NANO® for each technology 21. stolet, kter doke istit vzduch azajiuje vysokou sanitrnost prosted. Stouto technology zstvaj povrchy dlouhodob are free of bacteria, bacteria and salts. Zovzdu odstrauje jedovat ltky, izpachy allergy.

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