October 24, 2024


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Electronic paper stirs photo art

Belgian startup IONNYK is fully pushing fine art photography into the world of electronic paper. “World First”, subtly framed.

Great photo of a famous photographer, excellent presentation, frame … The black and white photo makes a strong impression … However, its “impression” is special. And even “revolutionary!” Unleash Matthew Demos. The co-founder and CEO of IONNYK (by Inkcoming SA) does not skimp on superlatives to qualify his brand as a new generation of photo frames based on… electronic paper technology. “We are the first to use the properties of electronic paper extensively in the field of fine art photography. in our area Cadres 100% Made in BelgiumPhoto Support is an electronic paper consisting of millions of black and white ink microcapsules, which are numerically controlled remotely and whose positions in the paper can be adjusted. you did not Nothing to do with LCD screens of our competitors (Samsung in the lead) who use the TV screen as a frame. Our process offers many advantages to delivering high-quality, professional images.”

All the characteristics of the parita leaf

Among these added values, the Belgian startup identifies a 99% less energy consumption to the LCD, operation “without wires or cables”, autonomy for a year before recharging, ease of migration for its executives … but Obviously the main achievement is the deception that IONNYK claimed Thanks to the properties of electronic paper to improve photos. Our electronic paper has all the benefits of classic high-end photo paper. Like it, our smart chip naturally and gently reflects ambient light without any flickering or other visual issues specific to digital screens. The artwork displayed in our frames takes advantage of morning sunlight or an evening highlight like a classic paperback print. without the human eye detecting digital technology at work.”

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“We started with all the codes and requirements of the photographic art world and then came to integrate our technological layer. Not the other way around.”

Matthew Demos.

Co-founder and CEO of IONNYK

Aluminum frame, high quality “museum” anti-reflective glass, and (electronic) printing as polished as those on Paretta Paper… IONNYK designers work well with artists, artists and clients. “We started from all the codes and requirements in force in the world of photographic art and then came to integrate our technological layer. Not the other way around,” insists Demos.

anchored in the new trend NFT (non-fungible token) which raised Beeple’s “everyday” digital art image to $69.3 million, It is clear that the IONNYK group wants to invest in wealthy families who are able to withdraw 1250 euros For a small Jin frame (50 x 40 cm) or up to €2950 for a large Linn frame (100 x 70 cm), you charge a minimum IONNYK subscription of €12.99. At stake: “Application, catalogs, 3 experiments” (reading box). “Our innovative frames clearly fall into the ‘medium luxury’ niche aimed at a rich audience of experts, art/design lovers and photography professionals.. The “Private Collection” section allows you to have the original photo works in a limited edition,” explains the CEO.

Angles and colors

Remains two steps Important to IONNYK. The first is marketing its tires to Artloverand designlover and techlover at pos. Because as Mathieu Demuse insists: “For the e-paper deceptive effect to work, the customer must see it ‘in real life’ to believe it. We are planning to launch our own stores But, without delay, we’re opening our first corners this week at a few luxury design brands. Chez Idealist in Lasne; In Balthazar, Place du sablon. And in Knokke this summer. The ambition is to sell 1,000 CEOs by the end of the year.”

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Percentage of nominated photographers selected to incorporate IONNYK’s outstanding offering after a radical editorial, aesthetic and technical selection.

The second technical challenge. IONNYK’s catalogs (currently more than 500 high-quality works by artists from 15 countries, 40% of whom are Belgian) are black and white images only. “And yes, The world of color in the world of electronic paper is still being researched and developed, Demeuse recognizes. Its production is much more expensive, it is also more energy-intensive, and the losses, on the contrary, are still significant. Performance colored e-paper will come, but not for 5 years. And if we stick to the display of “colors”, then it will be under another sign. In fact, we want above all else to establish IONNYK as a reference brand and an iconic logo for an exclusive showcase of black and white photographic artwork.”

From Spotify to Smart Art

Once their IONNYK framework is connected, the customer has access to a world divided into catalogs and experiences.

The discovery itself constitutes it The ideal type of catalog “spotify of photo art”. At the same time, the special collection consists of a catalog of limited edition prints that IONNYK subscribers can purchase with a certificate of authenticity and exclusivity. Finally, even more obfuscated, the ‘Smart Art’ collection presents Photo business is created to evolve over time. A hidden wonder that was only possible through electronic paper technology. Examples: In the morning a picture shows a deserted African body of water and in the evening a family of lions cross it… The character in the picture closes his eyes in the evening and in the morning he greets you with his eyes open. The partner photographers themselves suggest these photo sequences and determine the timing of their transformation. Electronic paper brings elapsed time to the art of photography.


  • Ionic, in the world, The first online photo art frame Based on electronic paper technology.
  • The “Paper” of electronic paper It contains millions of black and white ink capsules that can be moved by digital propulsion to modify images.
  • IONNYK CEOs target a An accessible audience of experts, art/design lovers and photography professionals.