October 24, 2024


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Behind the scenes of the editorial board

Lecco gives you some information gathered behind the scenes.

Brussels, draw me 5G

Meditation sessions. Every weekend since the end of April, the Brussels Parliament has gathered citizens and their representatives by lot to consider deploying 5G in the Brussels region. This deliberative committee sometimes gives us contradictory scenes. Last Sunday, Particitiz, the company responsible for driving the discussions, urged participants to talk by looking for three “crazy” elements they had in common. “You both have a Chihuahua called O’Reilly?” crazy! Or have a specific concern: Do you cry when you see chickens? », The host shouted. The day before, the participants were invited to stand up and close their eyes. One of the hosts suggested, “I will ask you to follow my voice and trust me a little for a few minutes, to feel your feet on the ground, to see how you feel inside.” The goal of this short reflective session: Imagine yourself in the year 2026. “Your recommendations have been taken into account, and governments have taken this seriously. Much has changed and technology has had some effect. […] Try to see pictures when you are moving, when you meet someone, when you are in front of a computer or smartphone. What does this ideal world look like with a 5G implementation or what you think is desirable? To leave a trace of their vision, the joint committee members then had to write or draw what they imagined on a small cardboard. We can’t wait for the end-of-cycle gallery! One final detail: Participants vote by posting posters next to the proposals they deem important. influential.

Le business des Van Laeken

This week we were brought to our attention to create a company called Saïmiri, The dictionary tells us that it is taken from the name “a little monkey with a long tail that can be pulled”. Knowing that the ability to grasp an object means “what can be used to understand it,” we tell ourselves that this animal (who, however, is the author’s totem) must be extremely agile. he is. Behind this company, we find Angèle Van Laeken, daughter of Laurence Bibot and Marka, and sister of Romeo Elvis. Because music, with Van Laekens, is also a family affair. With a capital of 5,000 euros, Saïmiri, one of whose goals is to manage and promote the activities of the artists, may use the trade name of its choice, including Angele VL Records, the name of its own brand, a company created in August 2017 whose brother Romeo owns 4% of it. In the same year, Romeo Elvis created Strauss Entertainment, a company that aims, among other things, to promote and organize shows. Strauss Entertainment’s statutes also provide for the regulation of entertainment activities such as circus shows, puppets, or rodeo competitions. If the flow of Romeo Elvis is no longer enough for him, the rapper will always be able to carry out his little act of kicking on the backs of the buffalo. He’ll call it “Elvis Rodeo”. Finally, Serge van Lacen, better known as Marka, has his own company (Marka SPRL) but is also a treasurer of the Souliers d’Or Association, which is chaired by his wife Laurence Bibot and is the secretary… Angèle! What family!

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Did the CEO take a pictorial?

Is Dirk Thérèse a candidate to succeed Jean-Paul Van Avermait at the helm of BP? The question has already been posed to the interim CEO of the company many times, but so far the man has always been in touch. On Wednesday, however, on the Chamber’s Public Corporations Committee, it was believed that cdH Vice President Josy Arens would hit the target. Because the Mayor of Arlon had already addressed his question in an original way, let’s say, in an intrusive way: “I would have asked you whether you intend to advance, but as I see that your photographer accompanied you to the room. Interviewed. For a few seconds, an angel flew over the group, which was organized face to face from a distance. We might all have said to each other: Well, that’s right, if Dirk Thérèse took care of his photo to that extent, it was because he had a (big) idea on his mind … asked if Josy Arens had not done in a nutshell with his failure to verify the identity of the photographer. Information taken at bpost’s head office, the attorney was completely wrong: Dirk Therese didn’t have the voluntarily taken photo in the room, it was an agency photographer – possibly from Bilga – who showed up to cover the hearing as part of his photo. Regular work, period.

… is this a candidate or not?

However, we’re not going to shoot the ambulance by overwhelming Rep. Josie ArensBecause, casually, the bpost caretaker is gaining consensus about it. At the end of the hearing, several MPs from various political sects raised their hats to him to clarify his explanations and answers. Let’s add to that that, in addition to Josie Arens, half a dozen other members of the Public Projects Committee have asked him the same question – in a more classic, correct way: “Are you a candidate?” “Dirk Therese declined to answer him strictly. We think that had he not been interested, he would have said so a fortune in Parliament circles. But let’s not go all the way …

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Communication rule

Holy Marcel! Marcel Javaux, a retired former gendarme and former international football referee, is a well-known character to viewers. For years, he has dissected controversial stages of Jupiler Pro League matches on La Tribune at RTBF. Enjoying a lovely little crowd on Twitter (more than 24,000 subscribers), this week he rebelled, in an earthy style we know, against the services of his carrier, Voo. “Fu no kata… Damn! No signal since yesterday noon… False advertisement,” Hot Arden Rebellion. Or this “Here at the end of the world is catastrophic… once the pig fires, it guarantees a public cut” (sic). The Community Manager from Proximus has not taken one or two of the opportunity to answer it, and is full of opportunism: “Hey Marcel, we offer several solutions that allow for many decoders that the local ecosystem does not have. I promise that!” Like what can feed It is a wonderful marketing projection.

BNB: 8/20

The majority in the Guardianship Council? The shareholders’ general meeting of BNB this week elected several new governors including Thierry Bodson (FGTB). This Regency board, the kind of forum where the Belgian economic situation is discussed, first of all welcomes the three new members: Geraldine Terry, a professor at Ichec, Louise Fromont, a professor at ULB, and Helga Cobain of Sociaal-Economische Raad van Vlaanderen (SURF). Some said that the women, who number eight, now make up the majority in the assembly. This is true if we only take the members external to BNB, that is, the 14 trustees. It wouldn’t be if we included the six members of the bank’s management committee, who are all men. 8 out of 20, go the extra mile!

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