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Barbara Waines – “Poetic Pilgrimage Sites in Central Italy”

Barbara Waines – “Poetic Pilgrimage Sites in Central Italy”

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“Thanks to her poetic language, Wins succeeds in directing readers to mysterious sources of Christian origins and the religious life.” Review by Hans Jakob Berger

Rome ( Ten years later, Barbara Wiens’ guide “Poetic Pilgrimage Sites” to Central Italy has just been published. FE-Medienverlag published this great book again last year, complete with tons of color photos.

Early in 2020, travelers, pilgrims and visitors to the poetic places of Italy for Italy were supposed to guide and assist in their exploration of the favorite country of the Germans. But regardless of the theoretical preparation for a trip that could not be taken, most of the time it did not happen. The pandemic imposed politically imposed lockdowns and travel bans. Hopefully, travel will be allowed again this year after Whitsun, or at least in the summer.

Even today everyone can handle the poetic pilgrimage sites they wish to visit and see if they picked up this book for Barbara Waines. Many people, including many believers, yearn for the mysterious Italy that he describes. Perhaps first because of Rome, but also because of Loreto with the home of the Holy Family from Nazareth, or the visit of Saint Benedict in Nursia, the face of Christ in Mannobilo or Saint Rita in Cassia.

Thanks to her poetic language, Wonz succeeds in directing readers to mysterious sources of Christian origins and the religious life. Not only do they experience places of pilgrimage, but they also encounter many well-known and unknown saints and revered images. This is what distinguishes this particular book: the association of places with a sacred event, a special event, and with holy people.

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But don’t worry, it won’t get boring and fanaticism won’t spread. It’s a book full of tension, that knows how to comprehend something new on every page.

Advice on the book:
Poetic places of pilgrimage
Travel to mysterious central Italy
From Barbara Waynes
Paperback, 220 pages
2021 Fe-Medienverlag
ISBN 978-3-86357-285-3
Price Austria: € 13.20

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