March 29, 2025


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Announcing “Jurassic World Evolution 2” the new expansion pack “Feathered Species Pack”, released on March 30 «doope!

Announcing “Jurassic World Evolution 2” the new expansion pack “Feathered Species Pack”, released on March 30 «doope!

At the end of last year, the popular dinosaur theme park management simulator “Jurassic World Evolution 2” was released with an expansion depicting the prequel to the movie “Jurassic World: The New Ruler”. Announcing the “Feathered Species Pack” (Feathered Dinosaurs Pack) the introduction of one species of flying reptile. It has been revealed that it will release on March 30, 2023 for PC, PS5, PS4, and Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One.

In addition, announcing new dinosaurs such as “Yutyrannus”, “Jeholopterus”, “Deinocheirus” and “Sinosauropteryx” appeared.

Along with distributing the “Feathered Species Pack” DLC, update 6 includes several QoL improvements and bug fixes, including a new building attraction “Remote View Galleries”, a cinematic camera mode, and additional items for sandboxes. It is scheduled to be implemented.

Expand your Jurassic world with the Jurassic World Evolution 2: Feathered Dinosaur Pack. The main characters are 3 types of dinosaurs that live on Earth and 1 type of flying reptile. All four of these glowing fossil species have plumage that ranges from fluffy, dense coats to fine undercoats. Grow your garden like never before with additional winged species and create unforgettable experiences for your guests.

Features of this package:

  • Yutyrannus was one of the largest feathered carnivorous dinosaurs, earning its name meaning “feathered tyrant”. It has a strikingly shaped nostril, and its light and dense feathers protect it from the cold.
  • A surprisingly fast and agile flying reptile, Jehoropterus is the smallest of the game’s flying species. To date, paleontologists have found only one specimen of Jehoropterus, the best-preserved and most famous species of pterosaur for its appearance and behaviour.
  • Deinocheirus is one of the largest ornithomimosaurs discovered to date, with arms larger than those of bipedal dinosaurs. A distinctive fossil species, with a duck-like beak and a broad hump on its back, it looks intimidating but feeds exclusively on plants.
  • Sinosauropteryx was a small, carnivorous dinosaur covered in fluffy hair-like feathers and with a striped tail. Hunting seems to have been done in groups. When it was discovered in 1996, it was not only the first evidence of a feathered dinosaur, but also the first evidence of colorful feathers.
「Jurassic World Evolution 2」
「Jurassic World Evolution 2」
「Jurassic World Evolution 2」