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A joint team of Western and American researchers proposes the far-infrared telescope “Saltos” to detect the “chemistry” of the universe. Universe Gateway website |

A joint team of Western and American researchers proposes the far-infrared telescope “Saltos” to detect the “chemistry” of the universe. Universe Gateway website |

There appears to be a need to create a new space telescope to observe infrared radiation, similar to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

A joint research team from European and American research institutions, including NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, has proposed a probe-class space telescope that detects far-infrared light, SALTUS (Single Aperture Large Telescope for Infrared Light). far infrared). Cosmos Studies).

A joint team of Western and American researchers proposes the far-infrared telescope “Saltos” to detect the “chemistry” of the universe. Universe Gateway website |
[▲ رسم تخيلي للتلسكوب الفضائي “سالتوس” الذي يرصد الأشعة تحت الحمراء البعيدة (مصدر الصورة: ناسا)]

■ A far-infrared space telescope that is about 5 years old

SALTUS is a space telescope with a primary mirror diameter of 14 metres, and is equipped with an infrared spectrometer “SAFARI-Lite” that can handle light with a wavelength ranging from 34 micrometers to 230 micrometers, and a high-resolution receiver “HiRX” with which the two spacecraft can handle light. With a wavelength ranging from 56 micrometers to 660 micrometers, they will be equipped with two devices for far-infrared observations. This will complement observations made by the Webb Space Telescope, which supports the near-infrared to mid-infrared, and the ALMA telescope, which supports radio waves with wavelengths longer than the infrared (submillimeter and millimeter waves).

[▲ رسم تخطيطي يوضح بنية التلسكوب الفضائي “SALTUS” (مصدر الصورة: Harding, LK et al.)]

SALTUS has an operational period of about 5 years, compared to about 16 1/2 years (originally planned about 5 years) for the NASA-operated Spitzer infrared space telescope, and 5 years planned for the Webb Space Telescope. It is designed to be shorter than ~10 years. To reduce the effect of thermal radiation on infrared sensors, the SALTUS instruments will be placed on the shaded side of the sun shield similar to those on the Webb space telescope, the researchers said. The temperature on the sun side of the sun visor is 310 K (about 37°C), but the other side, where the infrared sensor and primary mirror are attached, is maintained at a lower temperature of 45 K (about -228°C). The operating period of about five years appears to be determined by the amount of helium gas needed to maintain the primary mirror, which has an inflatable structure to meet optical performance.

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■ الغرض من مراقبة SALTUS

أحد أهداف الرصد الخاصة بـ SALTUS هو قياس كيفية توليد المجرات والعناصر الثقيلة والغبار بين النجوم منذ ولادة الكون وحتى الوقت الحاضر، والتحقيق في العلاقة بين المجرات والثقوب السوداء فائقة الكتلة تطور الاثنان أثناء تفاعلهما مع بعضهما البعض.

داخل المجرات المكونة للنجوم، يتم طرد الغاز الذي يحتوي على عناصر خفيفة ومعادن (عناصر ثقيلة) إلى الخارج عن طريق انفجارات المستعرات الأعظم، ويصبح بعض منه وسطًا حول المجرة أو وسطًا بين المجرات. يبرد الغاز المنبعث إلى الفضاء بين المجرات ويتراكم مرة أخرى في المجرات، مما يبدو أنه يؤدي إلى تكوين نجوم جديدة. لذلك، من خلال تتبع تدفق الغاز داخل المجرات وما حولها منذ ظهور المجرات الأولى حتى الوقت الحاضر، يمكننا تعميق فهمنا لتطور الكون.

[▲ رسم تخطيطي يوضح دوران الغاز والغبار في المجرة ومحيطها، وهو ما يطلق عليه البرنامج العشري [▲Adiagramshowingthecirculationofgasanddustinthegalaxyanditssurroundingswhichiscalledthedecanalprogram[▲رسمتخطيطييوضحدورانالغازوالغبارفيالمجرةومحيطها،وهومايطلقعليهالبرنامجالعشري
[▲ رسم تخطيطي يوضح دوران الغاز والغبار في المجرة ومحيطها، وهو ما يطلق عليه البرنامج العشري “Astro2020” الذي طورته الأكاديمية الوطنية للعلوم “النظام البيئي الكوني”. تقوم انفجارات السوبرنوفا بإخراج الغاز والغبار من المجرات، والتي تتراكم بعد ذلك وتشكل نجومًا جديدة. (الائتمان: تقرير HABEX، فريق دراسة مرصد الكواكب الخارجية الصالحة للسكن)]

SALTUS will also track water (H2O) and organic molecules in protoplanetary disks and planetary systems to understand how materials needed for habitation are produced during planet formation, and in addition to fulfilling the purpose of confirmation, the research team says it can be used for a wide range of applications.

According to the research team, SALTUS is a probe-class observer that is required to be prioritized in the 10-year program “Astro2020” formulated by the National Academy of Sciences (Galactic/Extragalactic Terahertz Spectroscopic Observatory). The telescope, which tracks approximately 450 million galaxies, SPHEREx (Spectrum Photometer for the History of the Universe, Era of Reionization and Ice Explorer), dark energy and its systems, is expected to complement the role of other infrared observing instruments, such as the Nancy Grace Space Telescope. Roman”, who searches for exoplanets.

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Text/Misato Kadono Editing/Sorai Editorial Department