Many gamers do not turn off their Nintendo Switch properly and instead put it into standby mode after a gaming session because it is faster. However, Nintendo is now specifically warning that there is a specific situation in which the Switch must be completely shut down.
Race switch? Better turn off
Although the Switch is now almost 6 years old, Nintendo insists on providing hybrid console users with some tips and tricks at regular intervals. Sometimes this can extend battery life or protect the console from malfunctioning.
Recently, Nintendo’s Japanese Twitter account posted another note for gamers to take seriously:
In the tweet, Nintendo points out that that all players must turn off the switch when condensation occurs on the console. This can happen, for example, if the temperature in the room where the switch is used suddenly changes. After turning off the switch, players should put the console in a warm room and Wait for the water droplets to dry. Only then can the console be safely launched again.
The explanation is clear: Nintendo wants to point this out Prevent a possible short circuitwhich may permanently damage the console.
Get more out of your Switch with these accessories:
How to turn off the Nintendo Switch properly?
A quick press of the power button located on the upper left side of the switch will only put the console into standby mode. To completely shutdown your Nintendo Switch, You have to press and hold this power button for 3 seconds. A new menu will then open. Now instead of “Standby” select “Power Options” and then “Shutdown”.
Want more switch tips?
Your console will then shut down. If you want to turn the key back on, a short press of the Power button is sufficient. Your console will now boot up and be ready to use again in a few seconds.
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