Many people are currently considering alternative drives. Also the three young designers who created this hydrogen motorcycle.
Anton Brousseau, which we have already introduced, his human-machine concept called Moto Sapien, presents another futuristic study. Together with his friends and design colleagues Anton Josehoff and Andre Tailforth, whom he met at Kiska Design in Austria, Anton Brousseau developed the Hydra Bike. This is a futuristic motorcycle concept in all respects with an alternative engine. Electric, but not battery dependent. The fuel cell generates electricity from hydrogen.
Hydrogen tank, fuel cell and electric motor
A few leading manufacturers already use fuel cell engines on four wheels, but this technology is far from mature. Sustainable production and safe storage of hydrogen has yet to be resolved, at least not optimally yet. However, there are fewer unanswered questions about the principle of the fuel cell, which converts the energy of a chemical reaction into electrical energy. Electric motors are already well developed, including those that can be scaled and used for two wheels. The three designers set their vision for the Hydra on these past foundations and with an optimistic vision for the future – starting with technology at its core, true to the designer’s old mantra of “form follows function”.
Basic concept changing for different motorcycles
The variable applicability of their basic concept is also important to them. The first draft of the Hydra is clearly a powerful roadster, but other classes of motorcycles can also be envisaged on this basis, such as scramblers or real enduros.
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Hydrogen and fuel cells as the next but one step in motorcycle technology? Before doing that, you must first answer a few detailed questions. But Hydra Pike is really great as a vision for the future.
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