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Trina McGee Explains Why She Wasn’t on the ‘Boy Meets World’ Finale

Trina McGee Explains Why She Wasn’t on the ‘Boy Meets World’ Finale

else “boy meets world“The mystery was solved during a recent episode of a podcast rewatch,”Bud meets the world. ” Trina McGeewho portrayed Angela Moore for the last three seasons of the sitcom, revealed why she wasn’t involved in the series finale.

“That’s a floor we haven’t covered. I’ve been told, kind of in a weird way, intermittently by a very important person, that you’re all gone [showrunner] Michael Jacobs, and I said, ‘We don’t want her in the last episode. It somehow takes our light. [That] said McGee, who played Sean Hunter (Ryder Strong)’s girlfriend on the show. “I was told that after I filmed what the show was before the last episode, which was called ‘Angela’s Ashes’ when I left. When Michael announced to me we were going to do another show on Angela, I was so happy, I didn’t know this was going to be the show before the last show” .

co-hosts are strong, Daniel Fishel And the Will Friedel She was shocked and appalled by this claim – and appalled that she had been told this 22 years ago.

“I remember after we recorded the show, I said to someone, ‘Why weren’t we on the last show? “Because I know the last show is going to be the ratings and the tears and all things. I had the impression that you guys got together and you didn’t want me to be on the last show, for some reason I was going to have some sparkle or something,” she continued. “This has been really painful for me for a long time. To make it worse, people of color tend to look at things a bit more difficult sometimes. So my cousins ​​called me saying, ‘How come you weren’t in the last episode?’ They even gave you that whole show. Are you getting distracted and won’t be on the show with the real ratings? Many of my cousins ​​and family members have been telling me this… It’s been frankly on my mind for 20 years.”

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Friedel was not happy with this claim. “Can we tell for the record, tryna, that this never happened,” he said. “This is not competitiveness, this is sociology. This bothers me. This is the next level.”

McGee sweetly replied, “I believe you. I can tell by your reactions. It’s been in my head for a long time, and I’ve never watched this show. I’ve always felt, uh… it hurt me for so long.”

While Fishel and McGee recalled that they were facing each other, the men said it wasn’t the same for them.

“It’s true we didn’t play against each other, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say we weren’t manipulated,” Strong said. Friedl replied, “Oh no, that’s different. She’s being manipulated all the time. But she wasn’t whispering in one ear, or whispering in another about something else.”

Matthew Lawrence, Trina McGee, Ben Savage, Danielle Fishel, Will Friedel, Maitland Ward and Ryder Strong in Boy Meets World.

© ABC / Courtesy Everett Collection

During the episode, McGee also looked at an opinion piece she wrote for the Daily News, in which she defended the fact that “Boy Meets World” did not mention that Sean and Angela were in an interracial relationship. She shared on the podcast that the publicist and her husband actually wrote the piece, which was published under its title, but she didn’t agree.

“I was really confused at the time about whether to talk about it or not – I had two areas of thought: my job and humanity,” she said. “It wasn’t quite my organic view. Funny enough, rebutting Lauren Toussaint wrote to the Daily News, saying, ‘No, you must admit that these two different races come together…’ If I had to do it all over again and I could Taking my real stand – hindsight and all – I would write the corresponding article.”

Strong also remembered talking to McGee about it, and also wondered why he hadn’t discussed it with him.

Prior to the family comedy series, McGee starred in several sitcoms with a black cast, including “A Different World,” “Martin,” and “Family Matters.”

“Coming from the black sitcoms, I always had to get my black counter… Maybe my black counter went down to 2. I remember when I was doing an episode of ‘Angela’s Ashes,’ somehow my black counter slipped and I was about to a 9. Michael came by To me and his remark was, “Hey Trina, just turn Thelma Hopkins down about eight degrees,” she said, noting that the producer was referring to a Black “Family Matters” representative. “I knew exactly what he was talking about and I did. … There are a lot of things you guys are so lucky to have that you shouldn’t have thought about it.”

Years ago, McGee and Friedle engaged in an interaction they had on set that he says completely changed his life. They narrated the conversation on the podcast, noting that on the set, McGee walked out of the locker room wearing a red headscarf.

“In my head, I didn’t attach any cultural significance to it at all. I saw someone who I thought was my friend but didn’t know very well, wearing a big red hat. That’s all I saw,” Friedel explained. “I was like, ‘You’re part of the cast, which means I’m going to make fun of you the same way I do [of others]I thought, ‘I’m going to make fun of her red hat.’ That’s as far as my stupid mind saw. So just before I walked by, I passed and went, ‘Love your drink,’ and went to the set, thinking ‘Boom, zing!’ I just got it for her hat.”

After the scene, McGee told Friedel of his comment pointing out to her that Aunt Jemima was not well.

“I remember saying to you, ‘I suppose that’s like you’re calling me the merry green giant. ‘No, it’s not the same at all,’ said Friedel. ‘You never use time as an excuse but in the mid-’90s, I had no idea of ​​the cultural significance of Aunt Jemima’s personality, any of those things… I had never heard that before. ! I felt afraid.”

After I pointed out the offensive comment to him, he apologized and hugged – but was “literally shivering” afterwards. McGee recalled feeling “too young,” to which Friedel replied, “How can you not?”

“It literally changed my life,” he continued. “That was the moment where I was, you can’t just say things. You can’t just dump things in there, because you think it’s funny and walk away. You can hurt people.”