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Trick game review, test and critique

Trick game review, test and critique

Master Coup by Alexander Droit and David Paput is actually a trick-taking game, but one that's not often seen on the gaming table. The special thing about Meistercoup (Fox's funny games): it doesn't have to be played. Players can always play any card from their hand, regardless of color or value.

How does the trick come about in Meistercoup?

Only when everyone has played their hand card is it determined who ultimately won the trick in question. To do this, the color that has been played the most is checked and then the winner is the one who played the highest numerical value of that majority colour. Major coup cards, funny fox photography This player can then choose any of the cards that were just played and place them in front of them. The player with the second highest value of the majority color gets the two lowest remaining cards of that color. What is interesting is that the back of the cards is also colored in the color of the card, so it is also possible to draw conclusions about other players' hand cards.

The round continues until all players have played their eight cards and the Masters Cup ends after three rounds at the latest. Alternatively, if a player is the first to collect four different colored cards three times, this is called a major reversal. Then that player wins the game immediately or whoever manages to get the most victory points after three rounds.

Meistercoup is an unusual trick-taking game

In conclusion of the review: The instructions explain everything perfectly, with lots of pictures and examples. This was the first time that I and everyone in my gaming group had come into contact with this special sewing mechanism and this sewing principle was a bit unusual for us at first.

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Coup Master Box, portrait of Fanny Fox

But you quickly realize that it is worth entering into short-term alliances with other players or making agreements in order to achieve the majority color. But since everyone wants it, it's still really interesting to see if everyone sticks to the agreement and who or what color will actually get the majority. Regardless of whether you have the first choice as the winner or deliberately go for second place in order to have the two lowest cards or two hands, the mini card game plays out very quickly and if you go into the whole thing without thinking about it too much, you will have a very enjoyable major flip.

Information about the main coup

  • Title: Master of the Coup
  • Publisher: FunnyFox
  • Author: Alexander Drewett, David Babbutt
  • Number of players (from to): 3-6
  • Age (from or from to in years): 8
  • Duration in minutes: 25
  • Vintage: 2024