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The Sims – Project Rene: Experience the next part of the Sims saga in advance

The Sims – Project Rene: Experience the next part of the Sims saga in advance

The mysterious Project Rene, the next iteration of the Sims license, is set to be revealed to only a select few… EA is looking for players to test out some of the game's features in development.

It's official: There will be no Sims 5. However, that doesn't mean the franchise with The Sims 4 He will die. Quite the opposite: E.A It was confirmed on September 17, 2024 that the simulation game saga will be further developed and diversified in the coming years. Among other things, the video game developer's boxes contain this Renee's Projectwhich was introduced to Sims fans some time ago.

Project Rene is a new Sims game that is set to be released in the next few years. A new and mysterious game that is being developed in parallel with Sims 4 and aims to offer new features and a slightly different gameplay from the already known game. Special features of this upcoming game include: Multiplayer mode, An option Sims fans have been craving.

There is little information about Project Rene: some images and ideas have been released by EA, but the future game is still very much in development. secret detained . So Sims fans are running out of patience…

Good news: Some secrets may be revealed to a small part of you. EA has decided to add some features to the game that is still in development exam. Volunteer players Required, Via online form To register and the luckiest people will be selected.

These controlled tests will allow the development studio to detect bugs and unexpected player behavior while verifying that players are enjoying and embracing the game. In this testing phase, EA wants to explore one feature in particular: selected players will “ A first look at one Multiplayer experience Received, in Where you can meet friends and other players in a common place. He can .

Are you from Renee's Project Tried? More information should be revealed in the coming months.

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