I give hints and the perpetrator deletes you and you try to interpret the hint. This is the principle of the last message of Juhwa Lee and Giung Kim. that party game of iello on my table and i find a lot of things hidden in it. not in form MicroMacro – Crime City But in different colors and themes. There we find superheroes, zombies, cowboys, prehistoric people, aliens and unknown party guests from the Ringwraiths. The game really charmed me at Berlincom 2021 and it is what is called a family game in the classic sense. Because a minimum of 3 people are required to play, they are grouped together into a team of perpetrators, victims, and investigators. The victim will draw clues from only part of the picture of the hidden object, give it to the perpetrator to work on and investigators will attempt to interpret what was drawn.
what does that mean?
A screen separates the victim, perpetrator, and investigators. Then we choose one of six crime scenes from our Hidden Object Pictures, where a section is enlarged slightly with a small magnifying glass. The offender takes this part. The victim now attempts to represent this section on a board divided into 9 quadrants in 30 seconds. He can draw and write, but never draw twice. When the 30 seconds are up, the offender can clear five quarters of that board in the first round. In the second round there are four quarters, then three and in the final round, there are two more quarters. erase its traces, so to speak. Now it’s time for the investigators. For their part, they try to find the section they are looking for in the image of the hidden object, which is much larger than the image of the offender. Make it through all four rounds and win by the victim’s side. If not, the offender emerges victorious.
Is Last Letters – Hidden Object game fun?
What reads quickly, is also very fast. Because the hourglass loses the victim’s time very quickly. Investigators participate in the game for the longest time. They research, give advice and can sometimes let offender and victim have a long time. But that’s how it feels. The perpetrator is having a lot of fun ruining the clever drawing and making the victim roll her eyes.
In principle, a full game never lasts more than 15 minutes and that’s okay. Hidden Objects is a real cool thing. Due to the backstories and the past, some characters are duplicated in individual events and so you have to focus your attention on the environment. The biggest problem is the offender-victim’s hidden object – it’s so small it can cause serious eye problems for older players. The minimalist magnifying glass doesn’t help that it looks made for hobbits. Investigators have the same image in front of them four times larger, which is also essential. Because the pictures are full.
I liked the zombies, prehistoric people, and cowboys better, although the quality of the graphics is in the eye of the beholder. Because of the length of the game, it has been really fun in every game group and age group and brings it back to the game table again and again. Where the victim/offender/investigator part has to be constantly changing, because the detectives have most of the play time and you don’t want to feel deprived, otherwise you only get to play 30 seconds. this is not enough. You also want to play a little more and so a change is necessary.
The game comes in a small box with prices starting at approx. 13.99 euros So, which is good to scoop and the fun is great. Just maybe some things could have been a little bigger, because I’m no Hobbit. Minimalism is there and here we find it in all forms, only the fun isn’t minimal – it rocks.
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