February 21, 2025


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The Japanese Space Agency launches an important milestone for a residential construction project for the manned base “Gateway” orbiting the moon |  Sorae portal site to space

The Japanese Space Agency launches an important milestone for a residential construction project for the manned base “Gateway” orbiting the moon | Sorae portal site to space

On February 19, 2024, the Human Space Technology Division of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) will open the International Habitat Building (I-HAB) for the manned lunar orbiting base “Gateway,” which will be developed through international cooperation with JAXA. With the participation of Japan, we announced that we have selected an important landmark for the project.[آخر تحديث: 28 فبراير 2024، الساعة 15:00]

The Japanese Space Agency launches an important milestone for a residential construction project for the manned base “Gateway” orbiting the moon |  Sorae portal site to space
[▲ علامة مهمة مشروع البناء السكني لبوابة جاكسا (الائتمان: JAXA)]

The Gateway is planned to be constructed as a relay base for the US-led “Artemis” manned lunar exploration program, and will contain the propulsion module “PPE (Powe and Propulsion Element)” and the habitation module “HALO (Habitat and Logistics).)” It consists of a International Accommodation “I-HAB (International Accommodation Unit).” Japan will be responsible for developing and supplying HALO's power battery and I-HAB's life support and environmental control systems.

[▲حول كل وحدة من وحدات البوابة (الائتمان: ناسا)][▲حول كل وحدة من وحدات البوابة (الائتمان: ناسا)]
[▲ نبذة عن كل وحدة من وحدات البوابة (مصدر الصورة NASA)]

The mission sign for the Gateway Residence building project was chosen by voting at the “Special Opening of the Tsukuba Space Center 2023” held on November 11, 2023. According to the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the mission sign chosen this time uses motifs of Earth, Moon and Mars to express “connection “lunar orbit, and after that, Mars exploration.” Additionally, the word “GATEWAY” at the bottom is designed to resemble the entrance to the moon by placing the letter “A” in the shape of a gate.

The star depicted to the right of the sign is the constellation Orion, named after NASA's new Orion spacecraft, which will be used in the Artemis program. In addition, there are a total of 10 stars in the tag, and the number of stars is designed to represent a diverse team from the four-letter term “Junin Juiro”. The color of the mission sign border, green, represents life, and red represents the pride that represents Japan.

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Moreover, the words “Bringing Life to the Lunar Frontier” at the top,

・Bringing new life to the forefront of lunar exploration
・Provide a space where humans can breathe on new frontiers
・I gasp with emotion after the successful mission to the moon.

It means that it has three meanings.

Related article: UAE Space Agency provides airlock for manned base orbiting the Moon “Gateway” Cooperation in developing manned space (January 10, 2024)


Text / Hayashi Deguchi Editing / sorae editorial department