With new books by Jochen B. Schmidt, Nino Haratichoeli, Tatiana Salem Levy and Katharina Hacker, newly translated by Tanya Blixen and Happy 80th Birthday by John Irving.
The heroes fighting for their freedom meet on this show: TS Garp is one of those, writer and wrestler from the pen of John Irving: The Great American Author celebrates his 80th birthday next week. Congratulations.
How stressful or happy can an inheritance be? This is what Katharina Hacker’s poetic and surreal novel “Guests” is about.
There’s a reunion with the great Swiss fighter, Wilhelm Thiel – retold as a quick turn of the pages!
We also present a new translation of the classic Tanya Blixen: “Babbit’s Banquet”.
We meet Portuguese writer Tatiana Salem Levy: “Vista Chinesa” is the name of her touching novel in the context of the #Metoo debate.
Joachim B Schmidt – Tell
Diogenes Verlag, 288 pages, €23
ISBN: 978-3-257-07200-6
Alexander Wasner review
Celebrating the 80th birthday
John Irving and how he sees the world
Conversation with Hajo Steinert
Tanya Blixen – Babbitt’s Banquet
New translation from Danish by Ulrich Sonnenberg
Manesse Verlag, 120 pages, €20
ISBN: 978-3-7175-6001-2
Wolfgang Schneider review
Katharina Hacker – Guests
S. Fischer Verlag, 256 pages, €20
ISBN: 978-3-10-397337-2
Ina Beyer’s review
Nino Haratishwilli – Lack of Light
Frankfurt Publishing House, 832 pages, 34€
ISBN: 9783627002930
Beat Troger . Review
Tatiana Salem Levi – Vista China
Translated from the Portuguese by Marianne Garris
Seperation, 128 pages, 22€
ISBN: 978-3-907336-11-3
Holger Heymann review
Blue States – Man Mountain
Label: XL Records
“Explorer. Communicator. Music geek. Web buff. Social media nerd. Food fanatic.”
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