Fun racer The Smurfs: Kart is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2022! Source: Microids / IMPS
French publisher Microids and IMPS, license holder of The Smurfs, have unveiled a new game, The Smurfs: Kart. The first images show impressions of the dynamic racing game, which takes place in the colorful world of Smurfs. The studio Eden Games, primarily known for its successful racing games (Gear.Club Unlimited, Test Drive Unlimited or V-Rally), is responsible for the development.
The fun racer for the Nintendo Switch is coming out this winter in trade Plus a digital copy, according to the accompanying press release.
We will untie, your driver.
It’s time to turn on the engines and throw yourself in some wild racing. Players choose a Smurf of their choice, their single card, and a unique ability.
Becoming the best kart driver in the village requires a good start, the best shortcuts and the right items at the right time. Whether you’re alone or with friends and family, whether you’re a beginner or a pro, in The Smurfs: Kart, fast-paced single player and multiplayer races await for fans of The Smurfs.
The Smurfs: Kart will be released in Winter 2022. Boxed versions of the Nintendo Switch will be available in stores through Astragon Entertainment and now available. Pre-order.
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