Qualcomm has announced the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 as a smartphone chipset. It is set to be adopted in devices from Samsung, Sharp, Xiaomi and others. Xiaomi will be the first to adopt the device, and the device is expected to be announced next month.
Supports millimeter waves
The Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 is built on 4nm technology with the Snapdragon 5G Modem-RF System and has a maximum download speed of 2.9Gbps.
It supports 5G SA (Standalone), supports 2 carriers and 2×2 MIMO for millimeter wave. Additionally, it supports Sub-6 4×4 MIMO.
In addition to supporting 5G+5G/4G DSDA (Dual-SIM Dual Active), it also supports Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.4.
The Kryo CPU consists of one main core (up to 2.5 GHz), three performance cores (up to 2.4 GHz), and four efficiency cores (up to 1.8 GHz).
CPU performance has been improved by nearly 20%, GPU speed has been increased by up to 40%, AI performance has been increased by over 30%, and overall power consumption has been reduced by 12%.
Provides on-device AI generation functionality.
It supports large-scale language models (LLM) such as Baichuan-7B and Llama 2 and provides on-device AI generation functions.
Dedicated NPU for Qualcomm AI Engine (Neural Network Processing Unit, specialized machine learning/AI processor) saves power. Supports multi-language translation and transcription.
The camera supports images with a resolution of up to 200 million pixels. It also supports 4K HDR video recording.
Qualcomm Spectra Triple ISP enables simultaneous photo and video capture with ultra-fast parallel processing and smooth zooming functionality.
AI Remosaic lets you capture clear, high-resolution photos without blur or graininess, and AI Video Retouch applies real-time tone mapping to create videos rich in detail.
an offer
It features Full HD+ resolution and can support 144Hz displays. It also supports external displays up to 4K (60Hz drive).
My voice
In addition to supporting aptX as a codec, it also supports spatial audio with smart head tracking function.
The Qualcomm Aqstic Hi-Fi DAC is said to have an improved balance between performance, power consumption, and sound, allowing users to enjoy sound that matches the artist's intentions.
Qualcomm Aqstic Speaker Max also reduces distortion in loud music played directly from the device's speakers.
The Adaptive Performance Engine (APE 3.0) is said to improve gaming performance.
Variable rate shading improves performance by dynamically rendering objects in the scene while reducing power consumption.
Adreno HDR Fast Blend can render dynamic and complex scenes up to 2x faster than smartphones without Adreno HDR Fast Blend.
Additionally, it supports Vulkan 1.3 API.
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