February 21, 2025


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Opera launches a “browser for chess lovers” in collaboration with Chess.com, allowing you to enjoy chess while running the browser – GIGAZINE

Opera launches a “browser for chess lovers” in collaboration with Chess.com, allowing you to enjoy chess while running the browser – GIGAZINE

A web browser based in Norway.the operaIt is an international online chess platform.Chess.comIn collaboration with Opera, we’ve released a “custom chess browser” version for desktop and Android. By integrating Chess.com services directly into the browser, chess lovers can now easily immerse themselves in a game of chess at any time, so you have already checked the browser type.

A dedicated chess browser puts chess at your fingertips – Blog | Opera News

In a blog post published on September 19, 2023, Opera said: “Today, we’re excited to announce an exciting new partnership with Chess.com that will bring chess to life in your browser. Whether in a desktop browser or in Opera for Android. We’ve created a custom design so Chess fans everywhere can stay immersed in the game!”

This time, I’ll be using the desktop version of Opera’s chess browser. First, go to the download page below.

Opera browser The best browser for chess lovers | the opera

Click “Download Opera.”

Once the download is complete, run “OperaSetup.exe”.

Click Allow and Install.

Click “I agree”.

The installation will start.

When the installation is complete, go to setup, so click “Start”.

Once you’ve configured the browser theme and imported data, you can now use your own custom chess browser version of Opera. The wallpaper on the splash screen is an illustration of a chess piece, and “Chess.com” is displayed at the top of recommended sites.

Click on the chess icon on the left side of the screen.

After that, Chess.com was displayed as a sidebar on the left side of the browser.

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When the screen is in Japanese, it looks like this. Try clicking “Play against the computer”.

After that, a computer chess match started in the sidebar.

You can continue playing chess while doing research or watching videos in your browser without switching browser tabs.

Chess.com not only offers online matches and matches against the computer, but also content such as chess problems and walkthrough pages.

In addition, in the Android version of Opera, the chess browserCustom buildBy installing Opera, you can use a wallpaper version and news feed intended for chess enthusiasts.

Forums related to this articleGIGAZINE’s official discord serverIt was installed on. Anyone can write freely, so feel free to comment!

• Discord | “What kind of Custom Browser○○ do you want?” | gigazin

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