Leipzig – Their first big title Nintendo Switch In 2024 is “Another Code: Remembering”! The remake of two titles from 2005 and 2009 shines with new splendor and it should Adventure friends It captivates you. But does it really work as it did back then?
Ashley has gaps in her memory and tries to learn more about her missing father. © Nintendo
Wow, it's been almost 19 years since I played Another Code: Double Memory for the Nintendo DS. The title stuck with me incredibly well. In fact, I think I played through it a few times.
A remake has now been released, titled “Recollection”, which also includes the sequel, which was released years later for the Nintendo Wii and which I never played.
I was very curious to see if I would still be passionate about Ashley's search for her father years later. But I was actually a little disappointed.
We are especially looking forward to these games in 2024!
Somehow, the adventure game just doesn't resonate with me anymore, and I have to think hard about why that is. Is it because the puzzles worked better on the DS and thus seemed more personal? For example, since the removal of the second screen, Nintendo has had to adapt content to the Switch.
It's done well, but you notice there are fewer “aha” moments than there were back then.
Another code: Remember is an old graphic style
The puzzles have been adapted for the Nintendo Switch. Motion control is also used for this purpose. © Nintendo
But that alone isn't enough to punish an already good game. Perhaps this is the story after all, which is unfortunately much simpler and more one-dimensional than my memory would have me believe.
Some of the twists and turns are so predictable that, with constantly over-the-top scripts for likable characters, your patience can easily wear thin.
Oh yeah, and then there are the graphics. The Nintendo Switch is now very old and this can be clearly seen at some points in the game.
Great comeback! The New Prince of Persia is the highlight of the year!
Muddy textures and environmental details, and not a really clean frame rate in places: despite the rework, everything looks very dated. That's a damn shame! Because I still love Another Code despite all its flaws, because Ashley's journey is ultimately interesting enough to keep me interested.
It's not as good as I remember.
Conclusion about another symbol: remembering
I would have loved another code:remembering much more! But the title from Nintendo simply didn't resonate with me the way it did on the DS at the time.
Adventure fans will continue to take a look and perhaps the Japanese will give the series an updated third branch that corrects the mistakes of the first novels.
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