February 23, 2025


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Max Payne RTX: Raytraced remix tool used for screenshots

Max Payne RTX: Raytraced remix tool used for screenshots

From Michael Misculin
After Portal, Half Life 2, and SWAT 4, fans have now turned to classic shooter Max Payne and are giving the title the ray tracing treatment.

After editing a modified version of the portal with RTX Remix Tool Fans have started using the tool for other titles as well. After Half Life 2 and SWAT 4, they are now dedicating themselves to Max Payne’s transformer with ray tracing. Some new screenshots of the project have now been posted and are making a good impression.

Portal RTX: RTX 4000 cubes and QR codes with more easter eggs

Max Payne RTX: No improved textures or models yet

New screenshots of Max Payne

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Max Payne: Official new releases are also in the works

Meanwhile, Remedy Entertainment, the development studio behind Alan Wake and Control, is working on a remake of Max Payne Parts One and Two. The two titles are set to be combined into one game. The studio wants to use its own Northlight engine for this. The new version will be released for PC, Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X | S. The exact release date is not yet known.

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Can you think of any other classics you’d like to see in the new RTX look? Use the comment function and tell us your thoughts. You must be logged into PCGH.de or the Extreme forum to comment. If you don’t have an account yet, you can Consider registeringWhich brings many advantages.

Source: Twitter