[▲ Iceberg “B-15T” تم تصويره من محطة الفضاء الدولية (ISS) في سبتمبر 2018 (Credit: NASA)]
This image is taken from space. What is under the floating clouds in the skyhuge white bodyBut……. Its features are reminiscent of Western artifacts such as sarcophagi.
In fact, this object is a huge image taken from the International Space Station (ISS) on September 23, 2018.Iceberg “B-15T”he is. Because of its straight, elongated outline and the fact that it peeks through gaps in clouds here and there, it looks like a coffin. If you look carefully, you can see that the contour is not completely straight either.
It was the original B-15T「B -15」It was part of a very large iceberg called B-15, which broke off the Antarctic ice shelf in March 2000,It is 295 km long and 37 km wideThen, after leaving the ice shelf, it split into multiple icebergs. One of them is the B-15T, which has a size as of April 201552 km long and 13 km wideI’ve been with.
The following image is an Earth observation satellite operated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).「Aqua」Obtained in October 2017 using a Medium Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The B-15T in the center of the photo looks like a coffin… If you say so, it has a contour that makes it look like that. By the way, in the upper right there is another iceberg separated from the same B-15「B-15Z」He is also in the picture.
[استحوذ القمر الجليدي B-15T والمناطق المحيطة به على القمر الصناعي أكوا لرصد الأرض في أكتوبر 2017 (Credit: NASA Earth Observatory، Lauren Dauphin and Jeff Schmaltz)]
By the time the first image was taken, the B-15T had left the Antarctic Ocean and entered the Atlantic, according to NASA, and had traveled north to waters around 54 degrees south latitude, which are generally warmer than the Antarctic Ocean. September is the end of winter in the Southern Hemisphere, and the lack of ice in the surrounding area means that the sea temperature was above freezing. The water that disappears in the glacier.“Journey to the Iceberg Cemetery”pass.
NASA released the first image on October 26, 2018, and it will be resubmitted by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center on October 27, 2022, after Halloween. During this period, accounts associated with NASA submitted celestial images related to Halloween every year, and the account names are “Ghoul-dard (originally Goddard)”, “BOOniverse (original universe)” and “SOFI-AAAAHHH! (originally Sophia)” temporarily changed Halloween style.
From space, we saw an iceberg in the shape of a coffin floating to its frozen end. ⚰️
In 2018, the astronaut was on @space station Take a picture of this berg as it floats away from Antarctica, in warmer waters where it eventually melts.#NASA_Halloweenhttps://t.co/yVkhTMOTxo pic.twitter.com/UyKAUmuzum
– NASA (NASAGoddard) October 27 2022
[▲ تغريدة من مركز جودارد لرحلات الفضاء التابع لناسا تقدم صورًا لجبل جليد B-15T]
Sometimes when we look into the mysterious depths of the universe, we find it turning back! Tweet embed I captured an amazing detail in this chilling cat eye here: https://t.co/JIs88rVkLH # black cat #NASA_Halloween pic.twitter.com/Ti4JOcPnq3
– NASA BOOniverse 👻 (NASAUniverse) October 27 2022
[▲ تغريدة من مقر بعثة ناسا العلمية تقدم سديم عين القط (NGC 6543)]
Sophia studied.. a ghost?! 👻
This is the Ghost Nebula.
Astronomers have watched how temperatures vary within the Ghost Nebula to help better understand the physics of other similar regions, known as photodissociation regions: https://t.co/5YdO8hGGJO#NASA_Halloween pic.twitter.com/gSRmYpTxDl
– Sophie ahhh! 👻 telescope (SOFIAtelescope) October 27 2022
[▲ تغريدة من مرصد الستراتوسفير للأشعة تحت الحمراء SOFIA تقدم سديم الشبح (IC 63)]
・Eyes shining in the black universe. The release of Hubble images to celebrate Halloween 2021
・The Cat’s Eye Nebula with a more complex structure all over the sky
・A ghost hidden in the autumn towers “IC 63”
- Image Credit: NASA, NASA Earth Observatory, Lauren Dauphin and Jeff Schmaltz
- NASA Earth Observatory – A place where icebergs die
- electronic gate – Landsat-8-2017 to 2013
Text / Matsumura Takehiro
“Travel maven. Beer expert. Subtly charming alcohol fan. Internet junkie. Avid bacon scholar.”
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