March 12, 2025


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An “Ancient Globe” where you can check what kind of dinosaurs live near where you live – GIGAZINE

An “Ancient Globe” where you can check what kind of dinosaurs live near where you live – GIGAZINE

dinosaurIt flourished on Earth about 230-66 million years ago, but at the end of the Cretaceous periodmass extinctionMost of them die, and only a few birds survive as descendants of dinosaurs. A website where you can learn about the appearance of the ancient land “ancient globeAdded a post to “What kind of dinosaur lived nearby?” By entering a specific place name.

ancient globe

Ancient Globe is a website where you can see how the continents have changed in the long history of the Earth, and changed by age. The basic usage was explained in the following previous articles.

Ancient Globe website where you can see the Earth’s appearance change with age

Immediately from the “Old Globe”websiteUpon arrival, you will see a page with the Earth floating in the center 240 million years ago, as shown below. At that time, multiple continents collidedPangea continentA giant continent formed, and it looks completely different than now.

It’s easy to use, just enter the name of the place you want to know “What kind of dinosaurs lived around?” In the entry form at the top left. When I entered “Tokyo” as an experiment, the candidate place names were shown respectively.

When you enter the name of the place and press the enter key…

Below the entry form, “Near Fossils: Mosasaurus, Tambatitanis, Fukuiraptor, Fukuisaurus, and Koshisaurus (Near Fossils:mossaurusTambatitanisfucoiraptorfucoisauruskochisaurus)” is shown, and the point corresponding to present-day Tokyo is indicated by a red pin on the ancient ground.

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If you click on the “Mosasaurus” part displayed as an experiment…

dinosaur databaseDinosaur pictures and factsThe Mosasaurus explanation page has opened. Where were the fossils of Mosasaurus found…

You can see the fictional map of Mosasaurus.

When I searched for other place names, the same results as in Tokyo were returned for “Osaka” and “Nagoya”, but for “Sendai” and “Nemegtosaurus (“Nemegtosaurus) 、 Photapasaurus (Futabasaurus Kiryu、 plesiosaur (plesiosaurs) for a different face.

“Sapporo” means “Elasmosaurus (“Elasmosaurus)” and “Mosasaurus”.

“Fukuoka” means “Wakinosaurus”.Wakinosaurus、Allosaurus (Allosaurus、Corianosaurus (corianosaurus)” has been shown.

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