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A review of Rhengling at Erfurt Theater

A review of Rhengling at Erfurt Theater

It is a very simple Wagner fact: “The Rhengling” is the evening that precedes the Nibelungn rink “,” Goddaw “is the end. It is not the same at the Erfurt Theater. There is” episode “that begins with the final final, and follows the evening before” The Rhengling “and after its final string, ended Tetralogy again.

Because even before the first show, the project, which was extended to four years, was canceled – after foreplaying Wagner. For financial reasons, because with a deficit of three million euros, it is difficult to manage such a project, as well as some of the most important. After all, General Manager Jay Montavone is currently left and managed by the level of the factors that have been settled. There is no savings on hand, there is no chance to dissolve the golden budget.

“Rhengling” is well cleaned, but not from pure gold

Richard Wagner has always seen that his opera is a complete artwork, and thus as a unit for music and theater. Musically, “Rhengald” from Erfurt was well cleaned, almost without defects, but unfortunately not from pure, pure gold. The new production has been completely transferred, but it hardly moves. Director Juergen R tried. It is just reaching the bottom of the “episode” legend and dares to watch the roots. The result is Melange from ancient and visual modernity.

Hank Erwin Kittel’s luxurious stage design leads to the rocky abyss of Rhine blocks and calls for climbing characteristics from Niplong Albich. Nibelheim is a basement on the dark sub -day, WOOSAN’s Walhall consists of Stonehenge air conditioning of full volcanic lava stones as if there was a later electrification there. The flashing eye with a feeling shines above all. It cannot be more mystical. The gold tank is in a thick bag, which – a surprise – can run and have a piece of local color with a NEBRA Himmel.

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The director put a lot of Klamauk on the stage at all, which was still exaggerated by the fashion of Tristan Gaspersins and the fan of Video Gritchen Weber. Much for the eye, but not the fabric lighting. After all, like this is a fairly fun “Rhengling”, as it was disgusting, when Obergott WOTAN is worth the eye in a bloody video of its skull – in a document – or when he was countless cheating in the theater design. This guarantees unforgettable decorations, but they are more likely about Weber and Weber more than Wagner. It remains to see whether it is necessary to highlight the golden giant phalus from the depths of the theater box full of extra accessories.

Mixed balance: “The Rhengling” is fun, but it does not deepen

Most of the singers still have to enjoy, just as the first audience liked to move very, but they hardly move. There was also a lot of game ideas: the giant FAFNER and Fasol, for example, such as the ridiculous Telletubies, have really gave Lodge Sugar and pulled the words by dancing on the final applause, and thunder and happy Tumber and such was that to deliver the open stage, even The main scenes such as the theft of forced Wattan to steal from Albert does not know the ringing Borders, because GERMANENGOT is torn Nibelung from the entire arm to reach gold … This evening before was a bloody relationship – whether this concept has wore three other parts?

A solid and cheerful letter

The singing collection was celebrated with a violent final applause. Albert Pesindorver got a great courtesy as a strong two, as it is completely respected máté sólyom-nagy almost as almost albeirich, some self-control, and Fricka Fricka sometimes Katja Bildt, which is the amazing young Erda knee by Rose Nagarblay. Tororo Stezky had a friend of the one, had a friend’s effect, had a friend’s effect, had a friendly effect, had a friendly effect, had a friendly effect, on the effect, had a friend’s effect. The Cavicic Cafesic hostel caught almost from Brett Spring some of the special applause, Alack Abdukaumov in the role of Thunder and Tritistan Blanches, as happy, in this field, which was truly strong in all the vowel. There were great concessions with the three least -homogeneous rhine river girls.

The evening balance is still mixed. This “rheingling” is entertaining, but sometimes it is efficiently trivial. You do not necessarily have to love deliberate imagination bonds, but they may be targeted for the young Vagner fans.

“The Rhengling” can be seen in Erfurt again on April 6, 14, 19, 19 and 19 May.