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Roll & Write widespread review, testing and critique

Roll & Write widespread review, testing and critique

Do you know that? Some Flip & Write games make everyone want colored pencils. This happens often Cartographer and Cartographer – Actually we draw the symbols there only with pencil. Some of the leaves are then painted in different colors, such as watery blue, grainy yellow, etc. The colorful colors are simply more beautiful.

And now they're finally there, “…and he writes” in colored pencils. In the face and writing in Next stop-He plays (London, Tokyo and Paris), but also as Roll & Write Choose a pen. And not only that: here we roll dice using pencils. Yes, you read that correctly. colored and Unusual: This immediately piques my curiosity.

The Amigo Spiele series by Reiner Knizia, which also raises expectations. So let's get started: Let's dive into the world of the cube – erm… – world of colored pencils from Pick A Pen: Riffe (illustrated by Marlies Barends). Could it also be compelling in terms of gameplay?

Riffs: Twist and write with roller pens

Mikado-Similarly, we throw the five pegs at the beginning (rolling the dice). After that, the process is very simple: take turns choosing a pen, drawing, then doing. different for Choose a pen: Gardens Riffe is a communication game. We don't draw geometric garden areas, we draw diving lines to get treasures and coins. This time also there are three levels.

The rules of drawing are clear and straightforward: one continuous line for each color, no passing entry points and no return to the point where we plunged into the water. Whether we have to dive in a straight line or whether a zigzag line is possible depends on the chosen pen (or the result of the dice on the pen). The same applies all the way.

Cross reefs using “Pick a Pen”.

Drawing diving paths is a bit reminiscent of games like Tocana trails, Trax or Next stop. With simple rules and clear instructions, it's easy to get started with Pick a Pen Riffe. However, it reveals a certain tactical depth. Different color paths can be intersected at will. We have to keep an eye on where another color should appear later. After all, treasures are usually color-related (so we can only recover the red treasure by using the red diving line). We are only allowed to dive once (in one colour) on each connected route; Double lanes are not allowed. If we're not careful, we'll get the treasure out of the way faster than we'd like. So we have to plan a little in advance so as not to drive ourselves into a dead end – in the truest sense of the word.

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Sometimes you overlook something in your own planning. For example, if one of the two possible diving directions is blocked, for example because there is an entry point there (which we are not allowed to cross). And hey, we have to go the other way, even though that might be more complicated…

Over time, a colorful patchwork of diving lines appears; The road can cross itself (as long as it is not at the entry point). So sometimes we go around in circles, which makes the whole thing confusing. Especially if the road ends at an intersection of the same color. Wait, where was the endpoint again?

Diving competition for treasures and coins

Choose a pen: Riffe, material, image from Amigo games The treasure number shows how many spaces we can color in the matching colored treasure path. Some treasures are much more attractive than others. We always pay a little attention to each other's playing cards, because whoever reaches a certain set of fields first gets extra points. And when the game ends is also determined by the coin and treasure paths. Riffe also has a racing game personality.

Later levels add only small things, but they open up tactical possibilities. By using vortexes and propellers, we can, so to speak, turn on the turbo and act more flexibly (even if it remains an open question as to where the propellers suddenly come from). And there are neutral-colored treasures that we basically color ourselves – depending on the color we use to highlight them. All of this can be used in a targeted way, especially regarding where others are and in what color.

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Interaction in the depths of coral reefs?

In general, it is important to keep an eye on other players, because then we may be able to snatch important pens. An annoying effect that fits well with family games, but can only be implemented on a limited scale. Even with two people, it's hard to see the opponent's deck well enough (but it works at least somewhat when combined with questions). Typical winding and writing problem…

By the way, Riffe plays more tactically with two players, because here we have a better overview of the pens that are likely to reach us. And of course we have more pens in each round because we keep choosing pens until we run out. Only then do we roll the dice again.

Atmosphere and materials in Pick a Pen Riffe

Unearthed treasures, diving trips, hidden coins: unfortunately, all of this seems more exciting than it actually is during the game. The ocean atmosphere doesn't really come through. Now of course it's “just” roll and write, but games like that Port Royale: Dice Game Show that the thematic atmosphere can certainly arise there as well. It's unfortunate that this doesn't really work with Pick a Pen Riffe.

The editorial flaw is the symbolic implementation on the game cards. Conditions for bonus points and the end of the game are displayed there. It's even more confusing because the same symbols refer to different things: one refers to the column and the other to the row.

Choose a pen: Riffe – twist and write with a new touch?

The highlight of the material is the rolling pens, and other things could be improved (as Michael Weber did with… Choose a pen: Gardens Swipe, keyword blocks). The question is how long the pens will continue to throw continuously, but so far no faces have been broken. They are not ideal for drawing lines; Colors should be stronger. It should also be noted in passing that these are thick pencils that can only be sharpened with a special sharpener (not necessarily available in every household).

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Rolling pens are a great idea. Unfortunately, despite the innovative mechanical implementation, the game doesn't feel much different from a “normal” roll and write game with dice. At the same time, it is an elegant solution to the mechanism.

Conclusion: Reef diving at Pick A Pen?

Choose a pen: Riffe, box, image by Amigo Games

With Pick a Pen Riffe, tactical skills are useful, but we can also play very well from our gut. After all, we don't know in advance how the dice – sorry, pencils – will fall. This makes Riffe, with its mix of racing and tactical gameplay, well-suited for casual players. The (somewhat more tactical) gameplay at higher levels is particularly engaging. However, in the long run, the replay appeal diminishes there as well, as the dive maps don't offer much variety. There is still room for improvement in terms of wheel action and material technology, even if the dice pens are already special. The weather would have been nice. But despite all the criticism: Pick a Pen Riffe is a nice little game in between. Not anymore.

About Choose a Pen: Coral Reef

  • Title: Choose a Pen: Coral Reefs
  • Publisher: Amigo Games
  • Author: Rainer Knizia
  • Number of players (from to): 2-4
  • Age (from or to in years): 8
  • Vintage: 2023