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The Wizard – Black Eye Wizard

The Wizard – Black Eye Wizard

The magical world of the series Processor By Ken Fisher There is one more richer edition: The Magician – The Black Eye. This also shows the direction in which this publication is heading.

Amigo Spiele, along with Ulisses, pays homage to the German role-playing classics with this edition – on its 40th birthday! Some fans of the early hours and the following decades will be happy to see a logical merger between Aventuria and the magical competition. But what happened in terms of gameplay? What is the presentation and how will fans recognize it? Black eye Relationship to pen and paper role-playing games? I explain in this review.

The Wizard – Black Eye: The principle of the game has not changed

The Magician - Black Eye: Box Material; Photograph by Michael Weber

Let's start the game. The rules are 1:1 identical to the classic rules. ProcessorThe cards are dealt in turns each round. First just one, then another until everyone has been dealt. Before each round, everyone must read from their hand of cards how many tricks they are likely to take. The winning suit is determined by a random card before each round (except the last one). The better the prediction, the more points you get.

As I said, this principle has not changed. In Wizard – Da Black Eye there is no difference from the classic rules. With one small exception.

Black eye special card

The Magician - Black Eye: The Coin Card; Photograph by Michael Weber

The “Black Eye” card is in the deck. Whoever draws this when determining the trump card can reveal three cards and use them to determine the trump card. The value on the cards is the same. The card is played next to the trick and allows you to draw three cards from the deck and play one of them in the trick. In the final round, the function is limited as only the remaining card is drawn from the deck.

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This card provides a subject reference. Processor to Black eye. Because that's exactly what a Palantir is in a role-playing game, as we know it from “The Lord of the Rings.” Or a crystal ball, like the one used in fortune-telling. But that's not all that reminds us of pen and paper.

The illustrations look like something out of an adventure book.

The Wizard - The Black Eye: Card Decorations with Heroes and Adventurer Models; Photographed by Michael Weber

The most obvious reference, other than the packaging, is on the playing cards. Instead of wizards and witches, you see classic heroes and archetypes from Aventuria. Rogue, Paladin, Spellcaster, Avowed, Tulamid, Achaz, Elves, and Natural Dwarves – all races and classes appear in the set. The illustrations look like they came from an adventure or rulebook. This creates the hoped-for arc of Processor To play the role and allows you to overcome the lack of base modifications.

Wizard's Equipment – Black Eye

All that remains is to take a look at the equipment. The packaging is a beautifully designed box that is simple to open. It is decorated on the front Processorletters and symbol Black eye. Excellent. Inside is a small explanation of DSA Thought Leader Werner Fuchs Included in this edition.

Engraved coins are included to identify stitches.

These coins look like fairly thin metal, but I really don't want to complain about that. In addition to a pad and pen to write the dots on, there's also a nice little thing: a thick elastic band to hold the cards together.

Overall, I miss more quality, but the features are still quite luxurious compared to other trick games. So it's more of a compliment that covers up the little things.

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Conclusion: Is The Wizard – The Dark Eye fun?

I'm really happy with the release. I miss the new rules that would have made Aventuria more lively. But overall this is a very nice release. Processorfans too DSA fans Titles. Something well rounded playing in the Premier League. The Magician - The Dark Eye: The Box, by Amigo Spell

Personally, I'm not a fan of Processor. I find it also depends on luck. I prefer the great. Extreme processorThat's originally The Seven Seals It was called. For me, this is the best version and the perfect trick game.

That's why I'm a little biased. Because I would never do that. Processor Recommended as such. But as a fan of good trick games and a former player in them Black eye (My first hero pretended to be a spellcaster for the group, and as a master, my nightmare was a rogue who never followed the rules.) I still have a verdict. It is: The Box Wizard – The Black Eye is a recommendation for fans of both camps.

Information about the magician – the black eye

  • Title: The Magician – Black Eye
  • Publisher: Amigo Games
  • Author: Ken Fisher
  • Number of players (from to): 3-6
  • Age (from or to in years): 10
  • Duration in minutes: 45
  • Vintage: 2024