September 16, 2024


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̵WindowsΥȥ˥ brick θ᤹ץNicolai

̵WindowsΥȥ˥ brick θ᤹ץNicolai

2009 ưʹ 2009Windows 7꡼ưʹ 2012 8Windows 82015 Ư7Windows 102021 ưʹ 11Windows 11şOSƤOSˤʵɽ¿ User Interface) Open-Shell Menu Windows Windows 7ʤɸŤθ

Welcome to Open-Shell | Classic shell reborn.

GitHub – Open-Shell List/Open-Shell: Classic Shell Reborn.

Open-Shell menu for Windows 11

Open-Shell Menu θڡ ॹ뤹şDownload Fax, 뤿ᡢYou can find the latest stable version here (ɿΰСϤ餫) пăцƤ벼ΡDOWNLOADSphatå

GitHub κɿСΥڡ˰ưΤOpenShellSetup_4_4_191.exe

ɤ and Nicholas ɤ颟

the next

the next

the next

Install the following:

β̤ˤʤä 饤🥹ᥡ봰лΤFinish

Open-Shell menu

ť˥塼ơopen shellPFϤơOpen-Shell Menu Settings phat˥塼ᥥι˥塼θ̤⡢Windows 11ΤΤơѤäƤय

Open shell for menṳϰʲΤ褦ʴ

ť˥塼γѤϡClassic style SLClassic with two columns ßWindows 7 style प्तह뤳ăŤयClassic style phatˤšʲβΤ褦˽Ĥ˺4ti˥˥塼ˤʤय

Classic two-column

Windows 7 style: Windows 7

ᤳικόγѤѹ뤳 will work ƤƤAerophat.Open-Shell MenuΥ

Classic фɤϡŤş˥塼γѤOpen list

ˡCustomfaϼͳʲ ˡCustom phap ‎Custom pha ‎Pick image ‎



ྮľƤती हष˶ᤤΨग५ैˤϲξΤत्य.

ᥥ 😇

˥ brick 丳颟βɽşˤʤäƤ

Basic Settings Windows 11Υι˥˥ brick ɽ褦ˤʤäƤᡢ for myself ˥ brick

Open shell menu

GitHub – Open-Shell List/Open-Shell: Classic Shell Reborn.

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